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A.N WARNING: THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS BOOK! I know I'm sad too. BUT, you can look foreword to the third book which will come out in a while. I'm excited to write the third book for obvious reasons (obvious being Bucky). Anyway, enjoy the last chapter guys.


*1 month later*

Today is moving day for me and Steve. London was amazing and me and Steve had a great time. (In London and in the hotel room, if you know what I mean). Fred and George saw us off and I promised I would visit soon. I miss those guys already. I also told them to ring me if anything happens to Peggy. They agreed. Thank god.

So far we've packed up most of our stuff thanks to the help of Indy and Tony. Tony told me not to book a moving van o move our stuff. No idea bloody why though. He's tricky that one.

"Okay, so that's your cabinet of important stuff packed up. Shall I put it with the others?" Steve asked walking into the living room carrying a box as I was boxing my DVD's and CD's.

"Sure. But-"

"Be careful. I know." Steve cut me off making me smile. He's cute when he get's annoyed. He placed the box on the kitchen counter and went to get some more boxes. Our apartment was filled with boxes upon boxes. A knock then came at the door and I opened it revealing Indy and Tony smiling.

"Hi!" They both cheered and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Just come on in." I stepped aside letting them in before shutting the door behind them.

"Wow, this place looks ugly with hardly anything in it." Tony was right to be fair. We sold most of the furniture as we've already bought our own. We've given the furniture we didn't want to people who need them.

"I know, it's weird." I said looking around the place. I'm actually gunna miss being here.

"Still can't believe you're moving. I always thought you'd be here, ya know, just a knock away." Indy said looking sad again.

"I still am. It's just a different knock. I'm just a phone call or text away." I told her and she smiled at me. She looked like she was about to cry so I hugged her.

"Emotional moment. I don't like emotional moments so I'll go see where the van is." Tony said walking outside of the apartment.

"Alright, I think that's all of them." Steve came in putting two more boxes on the counter.

"You think? I don't want anything left behind, go check." I waved him to go and Indy laughed at me.

"I already checked." Steve argued.

"Well then check again." I told him and he sighed leaving to look around. "He is such a hand full." I joked and Indy laughed. I really am gunna miss making her laugh. Tony then came back in and stood next to me.

"The van will be here soon so you better be ready." Tony told me.

"Who even is driving this van?" I asked him.


"Just someone?" I crossed my arms towards him.

"Just someone alright. Sheesh, you're bossy today."

"I'm bossy because I'm moving 4 hours down state and I don't even know who's driving the van that holds my greatest achievements and the Bucky and Steve picture." I said sounding annoyed as hell, because I really was annoyed as hell.

"Okay, just calm down okay. Everything will be alright." Tony put his hands on my shoulders. Then Steve came in.

"Okay I've checked and we have everything. And no I am not checking again." Steve said and I nodded. A van beeping interrupted us and Tony got all excited.

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