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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

"So we got ammo?" Tom (Sykes) asked as me and him were checking off stuff that we had shipped in.

"Check" I said as we moved down the line.




"Check" I said poking one.

"And some training equipment that I can't be bothered reading out?" I laughed at him and nodded.


"Okay. That's everything boys. Bring her in" He shouted to some workmen behind us. They came and took the stuff away with To leading them on where to go. I sighed and turned to walk back inside. I smiled at agents as they walked past and had to stop as someone wanted me to sign for something. I checked to see if it was cool and it was so I sighed it. As read over it I heard a conversation two agents were having.

"Did you hear Captain America was found alive in ice, 70 years after he was thought to be dead?" I stopped signing immediately and looked over to them.

"Oh yeah, dude, how awesome is that?"

"So awesome. My dad loved him when he was a kid. Can't wait to meet him."

"Yeah me too. But do you think Ms Gomez knows? They were best friends after all." Time for me to intervene. I shoved the clipboard back into the guys arms and walked over to the guys.

"Oh she knows." I said making them jump looking at me. "Where is he?" I asked angry.

"I dunno" One said. I let the anger get the better of me as I took his throat in my hand and pushed him up against the wall.

"You will tell me right now where he is." I said with gritted teeth.

"i dunno Ms Gomez. Ask Director Fury, he talked to him when he woke up. I'm sorry but your beef is not with me." I tightened the grip a little as his attitude pissed me off.

"Ashley!" I heard Maria Hill, another friend of mine, run up behind me. "Put him down before you kill him." I snapped my hand back letting his go free. I was breathing heavily and my anger was taking over. "What the hell was that?" Maria asked me as she walked up to me.

"Where's Nick?" I asked her, my blood now boiling.

"In his office, but-" I didn't let her finish as I walked past her to see Fury. He knew Steve was alive and he never told me. He knows what happens to people that lie to me. They no longer live. I saw him walking up to me so i clenched my fist. He tried to talk to me but I cut him off by punching him right in the face making him fall agaisnt a wall. Maria plus two other agents came to his side as Tom came to mine holding me back.

"What the hell, Ashley?" Maria shouted at me as Fury stood back up now with a bleeding nose.

"Oh he deserved it." I said with no emotion.

"Someone explain to me what's going on?" Tom asked and I could see in Fury's eyes he knew why i was so angry.

"You knew Steve was alive and you never told me. Why? Why couldn't you tell me?" I asked Fury.

"Oh that's what this is about, jesus christ." Maria complained.

"Hey, shut up, Hill." Tom bit at her and I put my hand on his arm for him to stop.

"Everyone just shut up for one moment. Ashley, let's talk in my office" Fury said steadying himself. I gave Tom a nod telling him to let me go. He stood aside and I followed Fury into his office. I shut the door behind me and crossed my arms as he got a tissue to wipe his bloody nose.

Revisited ★ Steve Rogers [2] ✓Where stories live. Discover now