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A.N Sorry for the wait guys. I've been away from WIFI for a couple of days but now I'm back so on with the chapter.


The next day I decided to go back to Tony and explain to him what happened. And also to talk to Pepper. She worries a lot about me and she shouldn't. She worries about Tony too. I've always worried about Tony. Even if he is an adult now, he's irresponsible. But I guess I have to trust him.

After a short car ride I rolled up in Tony's driveway and walked up to the front door. My hair was in waves and I wore casually jeggins with wedged boots, a Guns and Roses Tee and a leather jacket. "Good morning, Ms Gomez. Mr Stark is currently in the weights room. Would you like me to inform him you are here?" Jarvis told me as I held the door handle waiting to go in.

"Yes please Jarvis" I said before letting me inside. I walked to the gym and walked in on Tony boxing with Happy. I crossed my arms and just stood watching.

"Nice to see you up early, Ms Gomez" Tony joked as he punched the pads Happy had on his hands.

"You too, Mr Stark. Thought you didn't like early mornings." I said as he stopped boxing to get a drink. He leaned on the ropes looking at me.

"Oh I don't.  Just depends on what you define as 'early'." He placed his water bottle down and went back to Happy. I then heard high heels on the floor so I looked to my right and saw Pepper walking in.

"The notary's here! Can you please come sign the transfer paperwork?" Pepper shouted before coming to stand next to me. I frowned at her about the transfer paperwork? What is he transferring?

"Hey" She smiled at me and I smiled back. "How you doing after yesterday?"

"I'm good. Yesterday was just a blip. I'm back to normal now."

"If you say so." She nudged me before watching Tony again.

"Oi. Miss Gomez." Tony hollered grabbing my attention. What does he want now? "Come up here and show Happy here how to box." I saw Happy's eyes go wide and he shook his head as he whispered no. I laughed as he knew what I was like. He was too scared to face me. "Come on" He waved me to join him so I took my leather jacket off, threw it on the floor and climbed in the ring.

"Go easy on me, kay?" Happy said and I nodded. I then started punching the pads as we went round the ring. Happy is used to my boxing and kinda knows not to test me. Doesn't mean he's gottta stop testing me though. Happy then stopped and looked behind me. I turned round and saw the one person I didn't expect. Natasha. What was she doing here? She saw me and quickly put her head down and walked to Pepper.

"I promise you this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." Pepper shouted. Why was he signing over his company again?

"Rule number one. Never take your eye off-" I swung round and caught Happy's fist before twisting his arm making him cry out.

"What was that you were saying?" I asked and I could hear Tony's laughter next to me.

"I'm sorry, Ashley. Can you let me go now?" I sighed and let go off his hand. I then jumped off of the ring letting Tony and Happy go back to what they were doing. I walked to the left side of Pepper and grabbed my leather jacket putting it back on. I kept my glance on Natasha and she was trying her best not to look at me.

"What's your name lady?" Tony asked pointing to Natasha. I wonder what disguise she's using this time.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman." She answered. I bit my lip trying not to laugh at Natalie Rushman was her model/something else disguise. Not the best one to pick but probably the only one.

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