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A.N Just a warning, Steve and Ashley see Peggy before The Winter Soldier just so Peggy knows Steve is alive and so you can meet her twins.


*5 months later*

A lot has been dealt with in these last 5 months. Me and Steve have arranged to see Peggy next month and we've also decided to move to Washington DC as that's where the new SHIELD will be. I'm gunna tell Indy, Tony and Pepper today over lunch whilst Steve finishes the last minute stuff so we can go to England worry free. I wanted Pepper to come so she knew and so I could spend time with her. I would have invited Rhodey too but he's working.

Around 1pm I met up with Indy outside our apartments and we walked to meet Tony at the diner. I waved to Lui and Chloe as we walked in and met Tony and Pepper at a table. Me and Indy hugged them before Indy sat next to Tony and I sat opposite him with Pepper before we ordered food and drinks. Me and Indy got a beer whilst Tony stuck with Coffee and Pepper with water.

"So, why did you want to drag us out to lunch today?" Tony said stirring his Coffee.

"I just wanted to spend some time with my buddies." I smiled. But I was actually kinda worried in telling them. Well Indy actually, She'll probably think I'm leaving her but I'm not.

"Buddies? Weird new name but I like it." Indy smiled taking a sip of her drink.

"Sounds like a dog name to me." Tony said sipping his coffee. I rolled my eyes before the food came and we laughed over memories as we ate. Indy told us about a new boy where she works and apparently he's hot.

"What about Ethan?" I asked and Tony seemed more interested now.

"Ooo there's an Ethan? What's he like? Let me guess, just like me?" I smiled whilst Indy got annoyed.

"No. Ashley I told you he's just my friend."

"That you may or may not have a crush on." Pepper said and I nodded agreeing with her.

"Oh what do you know? You and Steve were too busy having sex to stay around us." Indy bit into her burger and Pepper and Tony's eyes both went to me.

"Hey! How they hell did you know that?" I asked as Pepper was quietly fangirling in the corner.

"I have ears ya know? And they're pretty good ears. I'm happy you finally did it, Ash. Don't be ashamed."

"So how was he?" Pepper asked and Tony groaned.

"No, Pepper! You can't just ask a woman how good her boyfriend is in bed. Invasion of privacy." Tony spoke up eating a chip.

"She's told me about your sex life." I said and Tony's eye's widened.

"You did not."

"Did too. Warning for next time; be more romantic." I took a sip of my drink and Tony looked so offended.

"I'll have you know I'm very romantic." He tried to convince me but Pepper told me otherwise.

"You may wanna check that." Pepper mumbled making me and Indy laugh. Tony was not happy.

"Anyway I didn't just come here to chat and eat. I got some news."

"Oh my god you're pregnant?!" Pepper exclaimed and we all told her no. She looked sad now.

"Pepper, do you listen to anything I tell you? She can't get pregnant, remember?" Tony told her and she remembered. She mouthed sorry and side hugged me.

"The news isn't I'm Pregnant. But, it is that, me and Steve are going to be moving to Washington." As soon as I said that Indy stopped eating and looked at me. Tony stopped and smiled and Pepper smiled too.

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