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"Ms Gomez, Sir is requesting you in the basement." I rolled my eyes and shoved one last mouthful of toast in my mouth before getting up and going to the basement. I put in the code to the door and let myself in.

"Morning" Tony smiled as he sat at his desk and was on his computer.

"Morning. What do you want me for?" I asked standing next to him.

"Nothing I just wanted to make sure you were awake."

"Well I'm awake. Do you want me to do anything while I'm here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Maybe you could-"

"Incoming call with a blocked number, sir" Jarvis cut Tony off. I looked to Tony and we were both confused.

"My phone privilege is reinstated. Lovely. Coulson, how's land of enchantment?" Tony asked thinking it was Phil. But I knew Phil wouldn't call Tony, he would call me.

"Hey, Tony, how you doing?" A gruff voice said with a hint of a Russian accent. "I double cycle." I saw Tony froze and realized this guy was Ivan Vanko, the bitch that tried to kill us.

"You what?" Tony asked and I quietly pulled up a chair that the robotic arm pushed towards me.

"You told me double cycle's more power. Good advice."

"You sound pretty sprightly for a dead guy." He's supposed to be dead?

"You, too." Tony sighed and I bit my nails. Tony then muted his voice and told Jarvis to trace him. Tracing people on a phone takes a while so hopefully he stays on long enough for Jarvis to track him. "Now, the true history of Stark name will be written."

"Jarvis where is he?" Tony asked and I sat up wanting to know where he was.

"Accessing the Oracle grid. Eastern Seaboard." Oh so he's close. I wanna know where he is so I can go after him.

"What your father did to my family over 40 years, I will do to you in 40 minutes." I took a deep breathe and clenched my jaw as this guy worried me. But I've handled his kind before, he won't be a challenge.

"Sounds good. Let's get together and hash it out."

"Tri-State Area. Manhattan and outlying boroughs."

"I hope you're ready." He said before hanging up.

"Call trace incomplete."

"God dammit" I whispered and looking to Tony. I then saw he had the Expo site up that had a picture of Hammer on it. Tony saw and then looked to the arc reactor. "Oh no, Tony. It's not ready." I said as he grabbed it and put it into his chest.


"You want to run some tests, run them. And assemble the suit while you're at it. Put it together now. Ashley I want you to go back to your apartment, get your gun and uniform and meet me back here."

"Tony, what are we doing?" I asked and he ignored me.

"We are unclear as the effects..."

"I don't wanna hear it, Jarvis. Ashley, go now."

"Why?" I asked frantically and he just looked at me.

"Just go." I didn't wanna question him anymore so I just walked past him and left. I got to my car and drove back to my apartment fast. Once I got there I got in and quickly changed into my mission suit. (A.N the same one Natasha wears but in white.) and added some black wedged boots. I then put my gun in my leg holster and made sure I had my belt on. I checked my look and made my way out. I didn't to cover up or anything as people have seen me in my uniform before. I locked my door and went to leave.

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