Twelve - Avengers

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It's been a week since Steve came back and we've hung out everyday. I told him everything he needed to know about me and what I've done whilst he's been gone and I told him what everyone is doing now. Steve stayed at mine for the night as we wanted to see what it would be like to live together. We're not moving in just yet but we want to.

I could feel Steve's strong arm around me as I slept on his chest. I could hear my phone ringing on the side table but I didn't wanna come out of Steve's arms. I could be like this forever. I heard Steve groan and he moved a little rubbing his thumb over my hip hoping to wake me up. I was half awake already but I just didn't wanna leave this bed. I sighed and tried slowly to sit up to answer the phone, but Steve was pulling me back against his chest making me laugh.

"I need to get that, Steve." I said into his chest.

"No you don't." He said in his very sexy morning voice moving so now his other arm was around me.

"Yes I do. It could be SHIELD." I complained moving Steve's arms from me making him stretch to the other side of the bed. Now I was out of his grapse I sat up, rubbed my eyes and grabbed my phone.

"Yes?" I said tired.

"We need you to come in."

"Phil, I can't."

"You have to. The tessearct is acting up and Selvig thinks it's something bad. We need you and Fury here." I sighed to Phil and looked at my bedside clock. 1am. What a great time to call Phil!

"Now?" I asked wanting to go back to sleep.

"Yes now. And be quick. There's a helicopter round the corner ready for you." He said before hanging up. I rubbed my eyes and got up slowly. I could hear Steve moving about in the bed as I went to the wardrobe and got some clothes to wear.

"Who was that?" I heard Steve ask as he laid there looking at me.

"SHIELD. They need me there." I said as I put on some black boots. I sat on the edge of the bed to put them on and felt Steve's arms wrap around my waist. "Steve, I need to go." I complained as he squeezed me in his arm. He then let me go and I turned to him. "I won't be long. Go back to sleep." I said leaning foreword giving him a kiss then getting up to leave. I made sure I had my phone and gun before leaving. I rounded the corner and saw the helicopter with Nick and Maria inside.

"Nice of you to join us, Ms Gomez." He smiled as I got in across from him.

"Bit of a weird time but whatever." I said before the helicopter took off. We were soon flying over the NASA/SHIELD Base which held the Tesseract. People were being evacuated from the building so this must be bad. I could feel us go to land and I could see Phil trying to look cool with his shades on as he waited for us. The copter landed and we got out walking to Phil.

"How bad is it?" Nick shouted over the helicopter.

"That's the problem, sir. We don't know." Phil answered. I sighed before Phil led us inside and into a lift to go underground where the Tessearct was kept. "Dr Selvig read an energy surge from the Tessearct four hours ago." Phil started to explain as we walked. Agents rushing past us as we did.

"Nasa didn't authourise Selvig to go to test phase." Nick pointed out.

"He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room." Confusing. "Spontaneous event."

"So, it just turned itself on?" I asked walking in the middle of Phil and Nick.

"Where are the energy levels now?" Nick asked.

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