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A.N Sorry for the wait on this guys. Been so lazy this week.


"Hey Dr Banner." I smiled as I walked in his lab. He was observing everything making sure he could work with it all. I knew he could though.

"Hello. Did Fury send you?" I frowned.

"Why would Fury send me?" I asked standing in front of his main desk with him on the other side.

"I just thought-"

"Well don't. We want you Bruce, not the other guy. I know you can handle it. We don't need to keep an eye on you. You're not a monster, Bruce, and you never will be." I said and he looked surprised that I said that.

"No one's said that to me before." He fiddled with his glasses.

"It won't be the last, Bruce. I promise." I said and he weakly smiled at me.

"Thank you, Ms Gomez."

"Please, call me Ashley, Everyone else does." I smiled at him and he smiled weakly back.

"Ashley it is." I smiled and sighed.

"Well, it seems you're settling in well so I'll just be checking on other things."

"Okay. I'll see you around." he smiled a proper smile.

"Yeah you will." I smiled once more before exiting the lab and going back to the control room. I walked in recognizing Steve's plaid shirt and Phil in his suit. They were talking but I have no idea what about. Probably his trading cards.

"We got a hit. A 67% match" An agent said making me walk quicker to him to get a better look. "Wait. Cross match, 79%."

"What's his location?" I asked him

"Stuttgart, Germany. 28 Konigstrasse." The agent said and I looked on the computer seeing his face and location.

"Well he's not exactly hiding. I wonder why that is." I whispered to myself.

"Captain, Gomez. You're up." I looked behind me to Fury and I knew what he wanted me to do. I've been looking foreword to this.

"Time to go undercover, sir?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yes it is." I smiled to myself and Maria appeared behind Nick.

"Maria, show Cap his suit. And get Ashley ready with Agent Sykes." I smiled even more now knowing Tom was coming with me. Maria showed Steve his suit and I told him to meet me outside my room in a bout an hour. He nodded and kissed me before Maria pulled me along to my room. Going undercover is something I've done a few times but not like this. I get to dress up as an important person for once.

"So you're name will be Melinda Kanakaredes. You are a politician there with your husband Robert, aka Tom. It's just in case anyone asks about you. Just walk around and try and spot Loki. Once you do tell us via an earpiece and we'll be right there. Okay?" I nodded and she started helping me transform into Melinda. It took a wig and a lot of doing up to make me look different. Not too different but different enough to trick people. I had a gold dress on with a lot of gold accessories. I made sure I had a gun strapped to my thigh just in case I needed it.

Once I was ready I was going to meet Tom outside and Steve so we could get a jet together. Once I walked out Tom and Steve were speechless.

"Woah." Tom said and I laughed.

"I look different right? No one's gunna know it's me?" I asked and they nodded.

"Yep." Steve said and I smiled.

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