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Once we got back to Tony's home I decided to go to the gym to work out for a bit whilst Tony went downstairs to work. I liked the gym. It was nice. It had a boxing ring, punch bags, weights and pads so Happy could help with my kicking and punching. He's really good for helping me. I do injure him sometimes but he always stands back up and let's me go again.

I walked in and Jarvis turned on the lights. "Cheers Jarvis" I said before I walked to the punch bags and tied my hair up in a ponytail. I changed into my work out outfit before I came in and grabbed a bottle of water. I then started punching the bag and kicking it once in a while.

After a few punches I started hearing a voice. "There's not enough time" Was that Steve's voice? Why can I hear Steve's voice? "I gotta put her in the water" Memories then flashed in my head as I punched. The more I saw him the more I punched.

"Looking good Asher" Bucky? Why can I now hear Bucky?

"Don't ever change" Howard? Okay, what is going on here?

"Till the end of the line" Once I heard that line I punched the bag with all my strength making it fly off it's chain. I seemed to scream a little as I punched. I stood there panting and wiped a tear off my face that I never knew was there? Why is this happening to me?

I couldn't hear those voices anymore. What is wrong with me?

"Ashley" I screamed and jumped back almost falling over. I turned to see Happy looking concerned at the door. "It's only me, Ashley." He seemed to notice the punch bag and I waved him off to go put up another. "Did you do that?" He asked as I hooked up another punch bag.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said as I started punching again.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked standing next to me as I punched.

"I'm fine" i said as I started to punch harder.

"Ashley, look at me" I ignored him and kept punching. "Ashley, please, look at me" I punched once more before sighing and looking up to him. "What's wrong?"

I sniffed and wiped sweat off my forehead. "I came here to punch. But once I started I kept hearing voices. Voices of Howard, Bucky and Steve. Their voices, Happy. Why could I hear their voices?" I asked trying to hold in my tears.

"I don't know, Ashley. But what I do know is you need to go home. You're distressed and need some rest. Tony would say the same." I looked at him and he smiled at me. "I'll take you back. Come on" I sighed and walked out with Happy behind me. I took my hair out of the ponytail and grabbed my clothes from the couch. I walked outside and Happy drove me back to my place.

"You stay out of trouble, okay? And get some rest." Happy shouted at me over the noisey street.

"Whatever" I shouted back entering my apartment building. Once I got inside my apartment I changed into some new clothes and just laid on my bed thinking. Why could I hear their voices? Why the people that were dead? Just why?

I looked at the clock and it read 2:00pm. I huffed and got up to go out into the city. I found fresh air cleared my head better than other things. Once I got outside I breathed in the fresh air and calmed down. I decided to go to the little diner down the street. I always go there. They give me free food but I always pay them.

As I walked down the steps I noticed a girl trying to get boxes out of her car. I looked round and saw no one was willing to help her. I smiled and walked up to her. "Would you like some help?" I asked her making her jump and bump her head on her car boot door. I winched as I knew that hurt. "i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you do that." I said as the girl rubbed the back of her head and made sure she was away from the door.

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