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"I'm calling them now." I said to Phil as we were now on the Hellicarrier, My leg has nearly healed thanks to the serum, but I still have a bandage on it just in case. Still hurts when I walk but I've put up with worse.

"Do you think it will work?" Phil asked and I looked at him.

"It's me, it always works." I smirked at him  before dialing the number Phil gave me and just waiting for whoever was on the other end to pick up. The ringing stopped and someone talked on the other end in Russian. I am not fluent in Russian so I have no idea what he just said.

"You're at 1-14 Silensky Plaza, 3rd Floor. We have an F-22 exactly eight miles out. Put the woman on the phone or I will blow up the block before you can make the lobby." I said giving the guy time to think. I heard movement and I could tell when Nat was given the phone. "We need you to come in." I said simply.

"Are you kidding, Ash? I'm working." She argued.

"This takes precedence."

"I'm in the middle of an interrogation. This moron is giving me everything." Sound's about right for a mission for Nat. "Look you can't pull me out of this right now."

"Natasha..." I said before walking away from Phil to tell her myself. "Clint's been compromised." I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear.

"Let me put you on hold." She said making me nod. I knew what this meant. I then heard men cries as she beat them up. Nat's holding music is her beating up guys. It's a given. I put my thumb up to Phil telling him she was on her way. "Where is Barton now?" She asked as the fighting came to a stop.

"We don't know."

"But he's alive?"

"We think so. I'll brief you on everything when you get back." I said as I looked at a video of Clint and Nat in Budapest. They never seem to talk about it much though. "But first, we need you to talk to the big guy."

"Ashley, you and I both know Stark trusts me as far as he can throw me." That was true. But that wasn't who I was on about.

"Oh I have Stark, you get the BIG guy." I emphasized big hoping she would understand what I meant. I hung up the phone on that sentenced leaving Nat in wonder.

"Thought you had Rogers?" Phil asked as we walked.

"Nah. Fury thought Tony would need for persuading so he told me to do it. Tony trusts me so we can get him here with my help." I said and Phil nodded.

"You always were the charmer." Phil joked before we separated for me to go to Tony's. I arrived near Stark Tower and got ready for whatever questions he has for me. I got out my phone and called him to warn him I was here.

"Agent Gomez, I'm guessing you want to talk to Mr Stark?" Jarvis' voice sounded through my phone.

"You guess right." I waited a while before Jarvis answered back.

"He says he's not in." I rolled my eyes and made my way to the lift.

"Tell him I'm insisting." I said and Jarvis did just that.

"He says he has a date." I huffed trying to think. If Jarvis wouldn't let me in, then I would do it myself. I got out my tablet and starting overriding Jarvis. I'm smart, I can do that.

"Telephone overridden." Jarvis said making me smile.

"Tony, we need to talk." I said as I override the controls to their lift and started going up.

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark. Please leave a message." Tony said on the other end trying to be smart.

"This is urgent, Tony." I said.

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