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A.N College has started once again for me so that will take up most of my time so expect slow updates.


*1 month later*

"Go left, GO LEFT!"

"Take that mushroom" I rolled my eyes and continued flipping through my magazine. Me and Steve were sat on the table in Indy's apartment whilst her and her guy friend, Ethan played Mario Kart on the Wii. Yes she has one. And yes we played it many times when I was bored. It's what you do.

"You're cheating!!!"

"No I'm not!!!" Ethan screamed at Indy as they turned corners. I so wanted to just leave and cuddle with Steve in our bed. It sounds better than this right now.

"Do you think they'll even notice if we leave?" Steve asked making me stop reading. I looked at him and then back at Ethan and Indy who were engrossed in the game. I bit my lip and smiled at Steve. We both quietly made our way out of the apartment and into ours.

"Right, so, plane tickets to England." I said grabbing my laptop and checking flights and tickets. We've been wanting to visit Peggy for a while but Avengers got in the way so couldn't. We're gunna try and go as soon as we can though. I've missed her and her mischievous twins Fred and George. (A.N Yes I know Fred and George from Harry Potter. Just roll with it.)

"Ash, can you help me with this stitch please?" Steve shouted from our room. I sighed and got up walking to our room. Steve had to have stitches in one of his cuts as it was cut bad. But I guess he could take them out now. I saw Steve stood half naked trying to get the stich on his right shoulder. It took me a while to get my eyes off his body before going over to him and slowly pull the stitch out.

"There, good as new." I said putting the stitch in the bin. I turned back to Steve checking his shoulder. It was good as new. I smiled and walked up to him trailing my finger on the mark. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. Man did I want him right there right then. "Ya know we don't have to book the tickets, right now." I said hoping he was having the same thoughts as me. Goddamn was I ready.

I felt his fingers trail up down my arms as mine went to his chest.  I had butterflies in my stomach. This might actually be happening.

"Well we're not in a rush." He said in a very sexy low voice. His hands then roamed under my shirt and went to my lower back. "If you want to. I don't wanna make you do anything you don't wanna do." I smiled and moved my hands up to his neck. His skin was so soft.

"I'm up for it if you are." I think he was as he pulled me towards him and pressed his lips to mine. His lips always tasted the same and always left me wanting more. And today I was getting more. I moved my hands to the back of his head pulling him closer and his roamed underneath my shirt. He then went to the hem of my shirt and fiddled with it waiting for my go ahead. I nodded as I kissed him and we parted so he could take my shirt off and throw it across the room. But it got stuck on my head before he took it off. We laughed together before reconnecting our lips. His shirt was already off which helped. I put my hand on Steve and Bucky's dog tags which I still wore thinking what to do with them.

When Steve saw the dogtags he was a little emotional. He loved the fact I kept them for so long and never took them off. But now I felt I could take them off and not be disappointed I did. I took off the dog tags and put them on my desk carefully. I smiled at them before turning back to Steve and connecting our lips again.

Steve then picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist so he could carry me to our bed. He lightly placed me down and trailed kisses down my neck. Soon enough my bra was off, our trousers were off and I was making love to the love of my life. He was so gentle and caring and made me feel so loved and cared for. No other man can make me feel like this. I've waited long enough to do this with Steve, and it was everything I thought it would be, and more. (And of course we used protection)

We finished out of breathe and me straddling him as we finished with a make-out session. Just being here with Steve was good enough.

"Ya know for a 90 year old you're quite good." I joked with him pulling away and he laughed. He kept his hands on my legs but focused on my face. He said my body was gorgeous but loved my face even more.

"Same to you." he said and I laughed with him. Then my phone went off. I groaned before moving off Steve and using the bed sheet to cover my body. I looked at the caller ID and it said Tony. I swear he knows what I'm doing 24/7.

"Okay Tony, if this is something stupid it can wait, I'm kinda busy here." I said before closing my eyes and Steve was kissing my neck again. When he did that, my ovaries exploded.

"It kinda considers the whole aging thing but if you're 'busy' with Steve then I can wait till later." Okay now I was interested.

"What do you mean? What's happened?" I asked worried if things went wrong.

"Oh so now you're interested? Cap not so good, huh?"

"Tony! Just tell me." I warned him and Steve seemed to stop kissing my neck to listen.

"Alright fine. Me and Jarvis have managed to collect everything needed for the aging injections. All I need to know is are you planning to do it soon or in a few years? I just wanna know just so I know where to store them."

"You got everything? Was it hard?" I asked and Steve was now putting his clothes back on even if I wanted to just sit and cuddle a while.

"Hard? Please, I'm Tony Stark, I can get anything. But more to the point, are you gunna want it within this year or will it take longer?" I sighed as Steve kissed my head and went back to the living room.

"Probably not this year or next year. I wanna give myself plenty of time before I make that leap." I said and Tony was okay with that.

"Cool. Me and Jarvis will store the things for you and you can come by anytime and get it done. What about Capsicle, can he age?" Tony asked as he ate something. I was suppose to ask Steve if he could age but I kinda forgot.

"I dunno. I was gunna ask him but forgot. I will ask him, it's just we're starting to live together now and we're visiting Peggy soon and we're even thinking about moving. Not moving too far but we wanna start a new."

"I understand. You can make your own decisions now. But don't move too far away, I do wanna see you." Tony said and I smiled.

"I know you do. But anyway, Tony I gotta go, me and Steve have gotta book flights to England and I've got to help Nick with creating a new SHIELD base seen as the last one was destroyed."

"All right, no worries, Ash. Bruce says hi and I'll talk to you later, okay?" I smiled at the mention of Bruce and grabbed my shirt from the floor.

"Got ya. Later Tones."

"Never call me Tones again. I mean it." I laughed at his reaction before hanging up the phone and placing it on the side table. I looked at my shirt and threw it on the bed. I walked over to Steve's wardrobe and pulled out a Iron Man shirt I got him. I put my pants back on before following Steve into the living room. He was sat on the sofa hunched over looking at flight to England from New York. I smiled at him and sat next to him setting my head on his shoulder. Maybe now's the time to ask.

"Steve, can you age?" I asked him taking my head off his shoulder and he looked at me.

"I don't think so. Can you?" I shook my head and he smiled making me smile back. "Looks like we'll be like this for a long time then." He smiled and stroked my cheek. I put my hand on his and moved closer to him, cuddling him. Now I know Steve can't age, maybe me and Steve can choose when to start aging so we can age together. Looks like Tony will have to do a bit more shopping.


A.N Sorry for the crap chapter guys but I just wanted for you to see their first time and also know if Steve can age or not. I'll write better for the next chapter as that's when they tell Indy and Tony where they'll be moving and then moving in. That will end this book before I take a break before the third book. Hope you can wait for the third book. I know I can't.

-Emma x

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