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A.N I think this is the last chapter for The Avengers. But don't worry I'll carry on this book for a bit to give Ashley and Steve some time before I go onto the third and final book. I just wanna thank you guys so much for reading this book and staying with me throughout. I appreciate every comment and every vote as it shows how much you guys like it, which gives me confidence in my writing. So thank you.


I reloaded my guns as Bruce roared. More lizard things came out the portal making me straighten up.

"Guys." Natasha said making everyone look to the portal.

"Call it, Captain." Tony said and I smiled as he called him Captain.

"All right listen up." Steve started as he turned to us. I'm ready for any orders he will give me. "Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you onto that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Can you give me a lift?" Clint asked Tony.

"Right. Better clench up, legolas." I smiled at his comment as he took Clint and flew off. That has to be Clint's new nickname.

"Thor, you got to try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You got the lightning. Light the bastards up." Thor nodded and swung his hammer making him fly up. That leaves just me, Steve, Bruce and Nat.

"Us three, we'll stay here on the ground. We keep the fighting here. And hulk..." The hulk turned to us breathing heavily. "Smash." Hulk grinned and took off taking Chitauri with him.

"I'll go further up. Make sure they don't come from all directions." I told Steve and started walking.

"Stick to the plan, Ash." Steve called after me.

"Trust me, I am." I shouted back before starting to jog. I saw some Chitauri on my left and went towards them. They shot at me but I dodged their shots by rolling on the floor and treating them like they were human. I took ones gun and stabbed two and shot others. I liked their guns, I could stab and shoot with them. My kinda gun. I saw more heading my way so I decided to push them back. I used a car to jump off and land on one of the Chitauri's shoulders with my legs wrapped around it's neck. I managed to behead the Chitauri but didn't manage to dodge one stabbing me in the side. I screamed in pain but didn't let that stop me. I took the Chitauri's hand with the gun and twisted it and throwing it on the ground before shooting it. I shot, kicked and stabbed Chitauri as they came. When I saw there was no more around me. I leaned against a car and checked my wound. It was deep but not in a place to kill me. It still hurt like a bitch though.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a boom and Steve came flying out of a window and dropped right onto a car. That gotta hurt. I held my wound and made my way over to Steve to make sure he was okay. His mask was off which I thought was weird. He jumped down and I examined him. He had a cut on his arm and had a bit of dirt on his face.

"You good to go?" I asked him and he nodded breathless. He then noticed my hand on my cut and frowned. He removed my hand and saw the cut. "I'm fine, Steve." I told him ripping my hand from his and placing it back in the wound. "Just a scratch."

"Doesn't look like a scratch to me." He said worried but I just ignored him.

"I can handle it." I bit back before more Chitauri came. We never get a break do we? Steve ran ahead and took some out whilst I took another one of their guns and used that. I worked through the pain. Then Thor came along and helped us. Thor fought on my right and Steve on my left. I kicked, I punched, I stabbed, I shot. I did whatever I could to stop these aliens.

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