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It's been a day since the whole party thing with Tony and he's tried to call me multiple times but I just ignore him. Pepper called to make sure me and Indy were okay and she was relieved when I said we were. I haven't really talked to Indy about the whole thing yet but I just know she now has a totally different look on Tony. He just had to be an ass and fuck it up.

I was sat reading a email from Phil talking about something in New Mexico that Fury wanted to have looked at. I wasn't ready to go back to the whole missions thing so I let Phil go. He says he wants to talk in person about it which I respected. Think he's gunna come round tomorrow.

I woke up late this morning as I didn't feel like doing anything today. I even said no to Indy when she came round. She was upset but she understood the situation. At the moment I was watching some random TV show that I couldn't be bothered turning over. I then heard a knock at my door making me slowly get up and walk to the door. I opened the door to see Fury stood there.

"What now?" I asked putting a hand on my hip.

"We need you to come and fetch Mr Stark. We're gunna tell him about Natasha." I sighed and nodded.

"Okay. Let me get dressed." He nodded and I quickly changed into my jeggins, high heeled boots, white vest top and my beloved leather jacket. I grabbed my phone and left my apartment locking the door. I followed Fury into his black car and no surprise Natasha was in the back. I sent a glance before looking back to the road,

"Where do you think he will be?" Natasha asked.

"He'll be at the doughnut place. He always goes there when he's upset or pissed off. And I think he's both so check there." I looked to Fury and he nodded taking a left turn. We soon arrived at the doughnut place and I could see Tony laid down inside the huge doughnut whilst eating a doughnut. And he was still in his uniform. Fury told Nat to come in a bit later and she nodded. Me and Fury then got out of the car and walked foreword.

"Do you wanna do it or shall I?" Fury asked as we looked up to Tony. I glanced at Fury before looking back to Tony. I think he knew who was going to shout at him.

"Tony!" I shouted getting Tony's attention. "Get off the doughnut and get inside. NOW!" Once I said that he didn't hesitate to get down. I sighed and followed Tony into a booth inside. Me and Fury sat across from him. Tony wore sunglasses meaning he was suffering from a hangover.

"I told you I don't wanna join your super-secret boy band." Tony said as he rested his elbow on the table. This made Fury chuckle but me just sit there.

"No no no. See, I remember you do everything yourself. How's that working out for you?" Fury asked before sipping his coffee that he ordered. I have a feeling Tony was trying his best to ignore me after yesterday. Couldn't blame him. I may have been a little harsh on him. Again.

"It's....It's...It's...I'm sorry. I don't wanna get off on the wrong foot. Do I look at the patch or the eye?" I smiled a little and Fury did too. "Sorry I'm a bit hungover. I'm not sure if you're real or I'm having..."

"We are very real, Tony" I said as Fury sat foreword.

"We're the realest people you're ever going to meet." Fury said as he got up in Tony's face.

"Just my luck. Where's the staff here?" Tony asked before Fury looked at his neck where Rhodey pointed out before.

"That's not looking so good" Fury said looking closely at it. I then saw Natasha come in through the door making me smirk. Tony's in for as surprise.

"I've been worse."

"We've secured the perimeter but I don't think we should hold it for too much longer" Nat said as she stood at our table. I saw Tony's face making me and Fury chuckle.

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