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A.N Sorry again for the wait on this. Been busy the past couple of days.


Everyone was blown to the floor by the explosion. I looked up and looked for everyone. Steve and Tony were next to me, Thor and Fury were on the other side of the room. But I couldn't find Nat and Bruce.

"Put on the suit" Steve said to Tony and he nodded.

"Yep" Steve then helped Tony up and then helped me.

"You okay?" Steve asked and I nodded. He then helped me out the room and to Tony. I checked Tony and Steve and saw they were both okay. What or Who the hell did this?

"Somebody's gotta get out there and restart that engine." I heard Maria say in my earpiece.

"You hear that Tony?" I asked him as we ran.

"Yep. Guessing that's me. Engine Three. I'll meet you there." Tony told me and Steve and we nodded and jogged to engine three. I was still pissed at both Steve and Tony but I gotta put that aside for now.

"Natasha, you okay?" I asked into my earpiece hopeing she wasn't stuck with Bruce right now. This situation could make him hulk out. Something we didn't want him to do.

"Yeah. But Bruce is another story." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Try your best to keep him calm. If you can." I mumbled the last part to myself as I didn't think Nat could calm Bruce down after all this. He's gunna hulk out and there's nothing I can do. I then heard the Hulk roar echo round the place. Oh god, it's happened.

Me and Steve eventually got to engine three and Steve opened the door for me. A few agents were struggling so I quickly made sure they got out before catching up with Steve.

"Stark!" Steve shouted over the wind. Now I was here I could see the damage whatever happened had done. Engine three was completely gone. Just great.

"Tony, we're here!" I shouted looking round trying to find him.

"Good. Let's see what we've got." Tony flew in checking the damage. "I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position." Tony told Steve and he nodded jumping up and swinging to the panel.

"What does it look like in there?" Tony asked.

"It seems to run on some form of electricity." I rolled my eyes slightly smiling as Steve is cute when he clueless of things.

"Well you're not wrong." I smiled at Tony's sarcasm before looking round to see if I could do anything.

"Okay, the relays are intact. What's our next move?" Steve shouted.

"Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push." Tony said making me widen my eyes.

"Push? Tony, do you think that's wise? If that thing get's up to speed, you'll get shredded." I shouted to him hoping he heard. He probably did.

"That stater control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could..."

"Speak English!" Steve shouted and I rolled my eyes, I knew what Tony meant. Pull that red lever over there and it will slow it down long enough for him to get out.

"You see that red lever? It will slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it. Wait for my word. Ashley?"

"I'm on it." I shouted licking my lips. I made my way over to the lever and Steve randomly joined me as we awaited Tony's signal.

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