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It's been a couple of days since we stopped Hammer and I gotta say, that night that we went out for dinner, Tony and Indy got on like a house on fire.It made me happy inside that my best friend and my hallway buddy are getting along. Plus Tony didn't hit on her once. Probably cause Pepper was sat next to him.

Pepper and Tony dating is actually pretty weird as I never thought Tony would settle for one woman, BUT like his father he's proved me wrong and has got with a very nice woman who I trust and respect. Even if she does shout at me like she's my mother. But that's Pepper.

"So, I got a job." Indy said as we ate at the diner down the street, as always. Tony was here too as Pepper has told him to take it easy for a while. Basically I'm babysitting him for a few days. How fun for me.......

"Ooo where?" Tony asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Just the music place a few blocks away. It has good pay and is fun so I just thought why not?" She smiled and me and Tony smiled back. We were happy she finally got a job here. She actually asked Tony for one but he said he doesn't want her involved in all the crazyness me and Tony put up with in our lives. Plus there was no job for her to take.

I then felt Tony's phone vibrate on the table and he picked it up. He decided to take it outside meaning it was an important call.

"So, how's SHIELD?" Indy asked eating a bite of her sandwich.

"It's alright. Haven't had much to do in a while but I'm guessing it will pile back up in a few days." i said and she smiled. Tony then came back in and sat down next to me.

"Gotta take a raincheck guys. Jarvis thinks he's found something very interesting. No idea what but he says it's urgent so, duty calls." Tony put his phone in his pocket and gulped down some coffee.

"Alright. Good luck with that." I smiled and he smiled back before standing up.

"Thanks. Laters Woody" He saluted to Indy making her laugh before leaving. He likes to call her after Woody in Toy Story. Don't ask me why he just does.

"I wonder what was so important." Indy said making me wonder what was actually so important that he had to leave. And what was Jarvis even looking for?

"Same. Anyway, you gunna hurry up so we can go shopping or you just gunna pig your face out?" I joked getting money out to pay. I wanted to go shopping to buy new things for my apartment and for myself.

"I'm done" She said pushing her plate towards me.

"Alright" I smiled and got up with her. "Keep the change, Lui." I shouted to Lui, the guy that owns the place as I threw 40 dollars on the table.

"Right you are, Ash." He waved us out as we left.

We were put for a couple of hours before Indy started complaining she was tired making us go back to mine.

"Phew. I am all shopped out." Indy threw the bags she was carrying on the floor and slumped on my sofa. I did the same and slumped next to her,

"I think I am too. Wanna get a drink and watch a movie?" I asked and her eyes lit up.

"Yes. What movie?" She asked and I thought as I got out two cokes for us.

"Back To The Future?"

"Get that in now!" She said pointing to my tv. I laughed and put down the cokes and ran and got the movie. Me and Indy both love Back To The Future and I think it's one of the best movies I've ever seen. They never grow old. As I came back in with the movie my phone rang and Indy answered.

"It's Tony." She held the phone out for me and I took it swapping it for the movie.

"What do you want?" I asked as I sat on the arm of the sofa.

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