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A.N Sorry for the wait on the update, I've been in Birmingham for the weekend and wanted to catch up with Doctor Who as I missed it. I'll try my best to update quicker next time.


"I swear to god if that guy even touches the littlest thing....." Tony trailed off as me and him walked to our suits. Now we knew where Loki would be, we just had to stop him.

"He's bound to touch something, Tony. Besides, you can beat the crap out of him later. Right now, we got to stop him from taking over the earth." I said as we stopped in front of Tony's suit room.

"You make it sound so hard. Anyway, suit up and I'll meet you down there."

"Down where?" I asked.

"Down on the ground. I'll need to speak to reindeer games before we start. Mess with his mind." Tony said making me sigh. I knew he would try and talk to Loki. With his sarcasm I'm sure he won't get far without being thrown across the room by his neck.

"Okay. Just don't get killed." I said turning to go to my suit room. But I turned back to Tony. "And be careful." And I meant it.

"You know, I'm always careful but no one seems to really believe I am." Tony said and I smiled.

"I wonder why." I joked and walked off before I got a snide remark back. I soon got to my suit room and opened the door. I saw my white catsuit with the black boots below. I smiled at it and quickly put it on. I saw my phone in the side making me think. I picked up the phone and dialed a number.


"Hey Indy, It's Ashley." Thank god she picked up.

"Oh hey Ash what's up?" She sounds so calm.

"Nothing much. I just need you to do me a quick favour." I told her as I balanced the phone in between my shoulder and my ear to put on my boots and attach the guns to my thighs.

"Okay?" She sounded unsure but I knew this was the best for her.

"I can't explain why, I just need you to get out of the City as quickly as you can."

"Out of the city? Ash, what's going on?" I sighed and stood up holding the phone with my hand once more.

"Somethings coming, Indy, and I can't have you here when there is a chance you could be killed. I won't let you die." I said. Indy was such a great person with so much potential. I will not have her die at a sociopaths hands.

"What do you mean something?" She asked worried.

"Someone is trying to take over the world. I need you to get out of New York, I don't care where just get out, and make sure you don't go anywhere near Stark Tower, you got that, Indy?" I asked as Steve came and leaned against the door frame of my suit room with his arms folded and with his suit now on.

"Okay. Do you want me to take anything from your apartment? Like the photo of Steve and Bucky?" She asked and I could hear the shakiness in her voice. She was scared, and more scared than I've ever heard her.

"Just the photo, thank you. And if you can, warn as many people to get away from the city?" I made eye contact and his eyes were calming for me.

"Yeah, of course. I trust you, Ashley. And Tony too. Don't do anything, stupid, okay?" I could hear her moving around and opening and closing doors.

"I won't. I love you, Indy." I said without hesitation.

"I love you too, Ash. And tell Tony that too. And tell Steve to keep you safe." I smiled at her worry for me and nodded to myself.

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