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After we got back home from Monaco, Tony and me instantly starting working on finding out who that guy was. I've been looking for him in SHIELDS criminal files and Tony's finding him using the power of Jarvis. I couldn't find anything so went back to tell Tony my findings. I pulled up outside his house and found Rhodey coming in the same time as me.

"Hey Rhodey" I smiled at him as I got out my car.

"Hey Ashley. Is Tony home? He's not answering his calls."  I frowned confused as to why Tony wasn't answering his calls. He rarely does that.

"Um yeah he is. Is everything okay?" I asked as we walked to the front door. I then noticed Rhodey was wearing his uniform. Rhodey sighed and opened the door for me.

"No" He said before I walked into the house and looked round for Tony.

"Jarvis where's Tony?" I asked.

"He's in the basement Ms Gomez." I sighed and looked to Rhodey and he waved for me to go first. I nodded and went down the stairs first. Once we came across the room Rhodey stepped foreword and typed in the code for the door. I then noticed Tony was sat in one of his cars whilst Jarvis showed his some newspapers about the guy from yesterday and someone else.

"Tony, you gotta get upstairs and get on top of this situation right now." Rhodey warned Tony. I could see he was listening but didn't look up to us. "Listen. I've been on the phone with the National Guard all day, trying to talk them out of rolling tanks up the PCH."

"They wanna roll tanks up the PCH?" I asked surprised and we both walked closer to Tony.

"Yes. And they wanna knock down your front door and take these." Rhodey explained pointing to the suits. They wanna take the suits? Since when? "They're gunna take the suits Tony, they've had enough of the games." I crossed my arms half listening to Rhodey and half watching Tony.

"Tony you said nobody else would possess this technology for 20 years." I decided to say lightly. "Someone else had it yesterday." I said walking closer to him to see if he would even acknowledge I was there.

"It's not theoretical anymore." Rhodey said standing next to me next to Tony's car. "Are you even listening to me?" Rhodey asked putting a hand on his shoulder. Tony then turned to look at us and I could see he wasn't okay. He was far from okay. "Are you okay?" Rhodey asked even though we knew he wasn't.

"Let's go" Tony nodded moving so he could get out of the other car door. Rhodey made his way around to meet him but as Tony got out he nearly fell onto the floor. He held the car for balance. Me and Rhodey then rushed to his side.

"Tony, you okay?" I asked helping him lean on the car.

"Yeah. I just need to get to my desk." I nodded and helped him over to his desk. He looked tired, like really tired, and was also breathing heavily. Something isn't right. "See that cigar box?" He asked as I helped him sit as his desk.

"Yeah" Me and Rhodey both nodded.

"It's palladium." Rhodey rushed to the cigar box and took out something that looked like a floppy disk. Tony then took out the arc reactor from his chest and held it out. There was another floppy disk like thing inside and it was smoking.

"Is that suppose to be smoking?" I asked pointing at it.

"If you must know, it's neutron damage. It's from the reactor wall." Tony said as Rhodey took the arc reactor from his hands and looked at the thing smoking inside. He then took it out and I leaned over his shoulder to see what it looked like. I frowned shocked as it was burnt to a crisp. He had this in his body?

"You had this in your body?" Rhodey asked as I was trying to understand why it was burning like that. "And how about the high tech puzzle on your neck?" I frowned even more and turned Tony's neck so I could see it. There was lines on it. And they looked like they were in his veins. I gasped as Tony moved his head away from me.

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