Chapter 1

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When I woke up I saw a wooden ceiling above my head. I remembered that I was in the attic and I was hit by a book. I picked it up. It was an old photo album of my past. A little tear trickled down my cheek. There was pictures of me and .....Niall . I can't believe it, we were best friends until he raped me. It has been a month already since that happened .I don't know why he did that to me .

-Rose! come down stairs! Did you forget today is your last day of school? -Ashton yelled at me

-Coming ! Wait a sec ! -I answered

Ouickly changing I rushed downstairs.

-That's my girl ! Werewolves rule ! Auuuuu! -My dad howled.

-Honey ! Do you remember she is half vampire as well? She has to be intelligent like me! -mum argued and I rolled my eyes.

Not again.They started arguing again . My family isn't quite ordinary . The thing is my dad and brother are werewolves and my mum is a vampire , but me...I am both half werewolf and half vampire . I look like a vampire , but at the Same time I can transform into a werewolf.

Larissa ( my bff ) was waiting for me outside ( she is human , but knows about me and my family)

-Auuuuu! Where is my besto Rose? -Larissa laughed when I walked out the door- Why did you take so long?We are late ! -Larissa said

-Sorry ! -I apologised.

We ran down the street when suddenly I bumped into ......

So guys that was the end of chapter one hoped u enjoyed it as much as me and my friend enjoyed writing it . :)

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