Chapter 17

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-Don't cry.....- I rubbed Rebecca's shoulders -I saved are alright now.

We went to the road and I got a taxi for her . I told the taxi man her address.

-Take care of yourself -Those were my last words before the taxi drove

-I'll call Ari right away -I told Ewa as I heard the news

Ring .....ring .....

-Yellow Tia -Ari said as the call opened

-You need to get here right NOW - I rushed to get the words out of my mouth

-WHAT IS WRONG? IS EVERYONE OKAY? PLEASE TELL ME!! NOBODY IS HURT?? - Ari screamed so I had to pull the phone away from my ear

-Code 145 - I said smirking


*10 minutes later brought to you by Kevin the bird*

-I AM HERE - I heard the crazy girl scream with shopping bags in her hand

-Took you long enough - Ewa said smirking lightly

I chuckled when I heard what Ewa said

-Oh shut up if you still want my help - Ari said smirking widely because she knew she won this argument

-Ooooohhh burn- I said laughing

Ewa just glared at me while I was still laughing so hard

-Ok let's get you ready for your date gurlll - Ari said while dumping all the new dress and makeup she bought on her way here

Mine and Ewas mouth dropped

-Close your mouth or flys will get in - she said laughing

*Couple of hours later*

< POV Ewa >

I looked in the mirror not believing the beautiful girl in the mirror was me

-Thanks guys so much - I said while hugging them

-Welcome - they both said at the same time

.........Ding ........dong ......ding ....dong

-I'll go get it - Tia said smiling knowing who was at the door

-Thanks so much Ari - I said

-It's ok. you look great! -she said

-No that's not what I was thanking you for - I said

Ari looked at me confused

-Thanks for bringing me here in the first place. if it wasn't for you I would probably

still be at home watching anime and thank for being the best friend anybody could wish for - I said taking my breath in that I lost

Ari had tears streaming down her face

-Welcome - ari whisperd while hugging me really hard

-Ewa! someone's at the door for you - Tia said walking in and grabbing me by the hand pulling me to the door while Ari following behind with a camera

-Wow - Calum said as he saw me

-I did it all - Ari smirked

-I helped too!! - Tia protested

-Ok we'll settle this later. now picture time - ari commanded while taking out her phone and taking 626363837 pictures

-You can leave now - ari said while walking back inside

-Bye have a good time -Tia said while closing the door

-Why do I feel like they were your parents - Calum said laughing

-I have no clue - I said laughing

-So where are we going? -I asked

-Surprise - Calum said smirking while opening the car door for me

-Uhhhh I hate surprises - I said while getting In the car

< POV Ari >

-I am going to change. then we all can go to the park. ok? - I told everyone in the room

-Ok....- Everyone responded not taking there eyes of there phone

I just rolled my eyes going upstairs to change

< POV luke >

Uhhh why is Ari taking so long to change

-I'll go check if she's ok - I said getting up to go and check

I opened the door to Ari's room just to see her in her bra and underwear. I closed the door quickly and ran downstairs . My face was all red .I sat down on the couch while taking my phone out looking up. My heart was beating faster than usual. Why?

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