Chapter 5

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-What!? Where!?- Michael shouted while running to Larisa to check if Calum was telling the truth

-So?...- Larisa said blushing

-Let's see if this legend is true- he said- Larisa, would you be my girlfriend?

-Yes..if you are not joking

-Of course no! - he said hiding his blush

Larisa and Michael started whispering to each other something.

<POV Author>

This evening Luke and Rose went to get drinks. While waiting for the drinks they were standing right across each other when suddenly someone pushed Rose. She fell forward and kissed Luke.

<POV Rose>

Omg I just kissed Luke!

-Rose, I loved you for a very long time. So will you date me?

- Luke I love you as we'll and yes I'll date you, but I have to tell you something.


-I'm pregnant... I was raped by my best friend

-Does Ashton knows about it?

-Yes I told him about a week ago. You still want to be my boyfriend?

-Of course , because it's a true love. I will love this child as my own. I will make both of you happy

-I'm looking forward to it!- I smiled


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