Chapter 19

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<POV Tia>

I was woken up by my phone ringing into my ear.

-What's now?? Who is ringing me!!??- I screamed annoyed.

I looked at the screen and showed "Larissa"

-yeesss?? - I answered in a sleepy tone

-Tia!!!! They k-kidnapped her and Clara!!!- she screamed into my ear

-Talk slowly jeees. Now what happened- I sat straight and tried to understand her words.

-I think Niall kidnapped Ashlyn and Clara.

-oh o.....WHaT!!!!????

I cancelled the call and rushed downstairs screaming


Everyone looked at me not understanding my language.

-What happened ? And can you stop screaming? -Ari asked me

-Okay.......Well I just got a call from Larissa aaaaand she said that Niall kidnapped Ashlyn and Clara....-I said slowly so they would understand me.

-Wh......WHAT!!!!!?????- Aris mouth dropped to the floor. - Lets save them!!!- She punched the air with her fist and was heading towards the door.

-Khm.... Ari?- Luke asked her

-Yah?-she responded turning back

-Maybeeee you should change first?- He pointed at her pyjama

She looked down and said

-Oh yesss- she quickly said running upstairs to change blushing

Everyone looked at each other and started laughing.Then we all went into our rooms to change as well. I put on !Shorts with a tank top and runners......typical. I looked into Ari's room and saw her opening her window and already putting her leg out.

-ARI!!!- I called her

She looked at me and nearly fell out as I grabbed her hand

-Where on Earth do you think you are going!- I said in a grumpy tone narrowing my eye brows

-Weeeellllll I wanted to save them Im the one responsible.- She smiled at me a little

-No!!! You are not the only one!- I grabbed her and pulled back inside.-We all gonna save them! You got that!

She knew that its better not to make me angry so she just nodded in agreement.

-Now lets go downstairs.

We went downstairs and saw everyone staring at us

-What happened? We heard screaming. Tia is everything alright? -Ashton asked me

-Yeh..........everything us grand....Welll lets get going?

-YESSSS!!!!!!-Everyone shouted and we all rushed out of the door.

Every single one of us used their powers to get to Niall as fast as possible. I tried to niff the smell of Ashlyn or Clara. Thankfully Im a werewolf. I told everyone where to run......The place was.........Germany. So here we all a bunch of weirdoes running across Italy to Germany. Well I should say we looked ridiculous. To get from Rome to Bern took us like 9 hours of running. Of course we were stopping for a break every hour. Our break was about 20 minutes cause our powers recover really quickly and thats the advantage of being like us. Ari and Luke were being all lovey dovey sometimes but I saw her being sad. Probably because of Harry. Poor girl. I think Debbs and Louis got along pretty well as well. Thankfully Calum and Ewa werent like Ari and Luke. They were talking about everything that happened for the past 20 years. Helen and Lukas were racing. That was fun to look at. Liam and Zayn were whispering something and sometimes looking at me and Ash. Ashton was trying to make me happy and think positively about Ashlyn and Clara. I was also worried about Larissa. Its probably was shocking for her. Im glad that Michael went to her to calm her down. He is a very good person or should I say werewolf? Now we were heading towards Berlin. Our thoughts were only about what will happen when we get there? Would we be able to talk to them or are we gonna have to fight against them to free our little girls. No one knew.

-I-Im tired now- I said stopping everyone.- I think we should take a break.

-Yes I agree- Ashton said to the others agreeing with me.- And also its already late. We have to get dsome sleep after all.

We went to the hotel that wasnt so far from us. We got two rooms. One for boys and the other one for girls. We all went to the spa to get some massage. I met Ashton on his way to the reception to ask for the Wi-Fi password.

-Thats so awesome AAAAaggggghhhhhhh- Helen squeled

-Y-y-y-y-y-y-e-e-e-e-s-s-s-s-s-s- Debbs said as they were massaging her spine that you could hear it crack a few times.....Ouch.....but its probably pretty good as you can see her grinning

When we finished we went into our room to change. As we opened the door we heard a crack coming from the boys room. We all rushed to see what happened. When we opened the door we saw a window being broken. The pieces of glass were all over the place. Thankfully no one was in the room when that happened. Suddenly the door opened behind us and we saw boys wide eyed.

-W-what happened?- Luke asked

-We dont know.....we just came here and there we go..... we see a big crack in the window- Ari answered his question

-Sorry I know its not a good time to say it but.......girls do you remember that now you are wearing only a towel in front of us? -Liam asked smirking

-Wha....-we all said as we looked down to see that it was true.

We all blushed and ran into our room to change. As we closed the door we heard them giggling. Such such.......IDIOTS!!! I thought to myself. When we finished changing we went into their room again and saw them trying to clean up.

-Wait guys! What is this?- Debbs asked us as we all turned our heads towards her to see an arrow in her hands with a note stuck to it.

-Read it - Ewa said.

- If you wont stop you all are gonna die..........- She read it out loud as we all looked at each other.

- Niall- we all whispered to ourselves.. .

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