Thank You

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So GuYs!!! We FINISHED THE BOOK!!!!! We are sooooooooo happy!! Thank you everyone for your support, votes and comments!!! We really appreciate that!! It means a world to us!! The thing we know for sure is scrolling down your "Create" page and see that actually finished a book! We are like OMG!!! ;* But we are not finished!!! We started to write a new book called "Cupid" go and READ IT!! It's about a girl that was born a cupid. Nothing interesting in her life. Boring day after a day. Helping people find their love and stuff ........................until she meets her and her life changes..
So did you like? I hope you did cause we enjoyed thinking of what to write and coming up with this idea. Cheers!! Luv Ya Story_readerz!!

P.S. You can ask us a question if you didn't get something and send us requests for the imagines book!!! I know it's on slow updates but we will try our best to update it as soon as possible!!

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