Chapter 15

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<POV Helen>

Me and Debbie went to the park. We talked about everything. Debbs is very clever and it was very interesting to listen to her. In just one month so much happened. I'm sad that Rose is not with us anymore... Debs doesn't talk to Louis. I don't know why but I don't want to ask about it. When we sat on the bench

-Debbs do you want anything to drink?

-Yes please!

-Which one??

-Coke... Diet coke


I went over to the vending machine. I wanted to put coins in when suddenly I touched someone's hand. It was mans hand. I looked up and saw him... The guy I met at the hospital

-Oh hello!! -I said cheerfully

-Hello babe- he winked at me

-What are you doing in here??

-I'm just here with my friends. And you?? Pretty young lady- he looked at me mysteriously. I couldn't even imagine what he was thinking about.

-I'm with my friend as well.

-Do you two want to join us??

-Yes please. I'm just gonna tell Debbs

I turned around and walked towards Debbie. After a sec I heard footsteps behind running after me. Someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and felt a pair of lips on me. The kiss deepened as I closed my eyes. I touched his cheeks as I felt him smiling. He hugged me tighter.

-Should we go somewhere else??- he smirked

I pushed him back

-What did we just do??!!

-Of course I wouldn't kiss someone that I don't like

-So you love me- I said suspiciously

-Do you want to try it again??

-No thanks Ill leave a sweet bit for later-I said biting my bottom lip

-Oh how nice of you to say that

We both laughed.

-Whats your name?

-My name is Lukas and yours?

-Helen. Nice to kiss you

-Yeh me too- he grinned

He hold me by the waist and we walked to Debbie.

<POV Debbie>

For some reason Helen wasnt coming for about 15 min but then I saw her with a boy hugging her coming towards me.

-Debbs do you want to hang with Lukas and his friends??

-Emm no thanks Helen. I have to go home.

-You made me sad... Ok then Ill se you later??

-Ye bye!!

I stood up and went home. It was very cold today. I started rubbing my hands when I felt a fabric on me. It was a black jacket. Not sure whose though. When I was talking to Helen I knew she wanted to ask me about Louis but she didnt and I really appreciate that. Im not sure myself. Im just probably not ready for that. I was very good friends with Louis but then when he told about his feelings something changed. When I came home I rushed upstairs into my room. I found out that I forgot about my phone. I looked at it and saw 30 messages and 27 calls. Messages were like " Where are you? Why youre ignoring me. Was it bad to tell you about my feelings? Pleasee answer!!!" and so on and of course all of them were from Louis. I just switched my phone and went to sleep.

<POV Andrea>

I was walking down the street thinking about Harry and that blond girl I met yesterday.

-Andrea!!!- someone called me

I turned around and saw her......Blondeeeee

-Well who we have here!!??- I said surprisingly

-Ok. I know that you are mad at me but seriously dude I didnt knew that he had a girlfriend. But I want you to help me do something. Alright??

-Im not gonna help my enemy at anything!- I screamed

-I dont care... You still can hear me now so Im just gonna continue on. I want us to get a revenge on Harry Styles! And I have a perfect plans for that I just need a partner. This partner is going to be YOU!!!- she said

-Hmm..... very interesting. Ok tell me your plans and I will decide whether I want to help you or no.

-So, you are going to send him a message saying "I love you babe" but after a sec you will tell him that that message was accidently sent to him. I know it sounds childish but it will definently get onto his nerves.

-And what will you do??

-I will try to kiss him but when our lips are gonna nearly touch each other Im going to slap him across his chicky face.

-Thats sound great and funny!!- I started to laugh.- Whats your name?? I can already say that you know my name for sure.

-Oh my name is Rebecca. Nice to meet you.

-Do you want to go to the cafe? And we'll get to know each other better? Cause we are like partners already and we have to trust each other>

-Ye sure! Why not?

*At the Cafe*

-Hahaha!! Did that really happened to you??- I giggled

-Yes and dont laugh!!- she smiled

I guess Rebecca is not a bad person after all. I think I start to believe that she didn't knew about me.

-Oh Ari> Do you think we should start??

-Oh if you really really want me to then fine. But why would I just send him I love you message If I just dumped him??

-Or maybe you can start writing with soomething like that " I understand you. I know it wasnt your fault. I forgive you.You are the best person I know. Luv ya babe. Do you wanna meet me today at the park?? I have a present for you. Its a secret. Byeee my angel"??

-Yeah thats very very good.

*Typed the message*

Your message has been sent to Harry


Harry: So you forgive me?? I knew you would. I wonder whats the present going to be ;) See ya later Luv u 2!!! <33333

Ari: Ooops sorryyy I think I sent it to a wrong person. Im so sorry to bother you. I think I typed the wrong number cause my phone doesnt show your name.

*Presses Home button*

-So??- Rebecca asked grinning

-Everything worked perfectly. I wonder whats look is on his face right now.

-HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!- We both bursted out laughing.

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