Chapter 3

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I make my way to the gate and there they were waiting for me "5 seconds of summer" and "one direction" but Niall wasnt there. I guess I know why. Those boys started "fighting" again. They are like kids.

-Stop it right there!- I told them

-Congrats, little sister! Let me hug you! -Ashton said softly, leaning forward to hug me.

-Ummm. Congrats Rose. -Luke said nearly whispering.

I saw his cheeks blushing (Awww so cute!!!)

-Thanks............- I smiled

-We would like to congratulate you, little miss Rose!- inteligently "one direction said

-Im not LITTLE!!!- I replied- ok thank you everyone! But at the moment I'm very tired, so I'd like to go home.

When I get home I was confused. Why didn't mother nature visited me?? It had do start 4 days ago........... After 5 minutes my eyes widened. I rushed to the pharmacy. I bought pregnancy test. When I got home I went into the bathroom. The test result showed me two lines (positive) Oh NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! My family doesnt know about all of this. What am I going to say?? In shock I ran into my room leaving test result in the toilet.

<POV Ashton>

I went to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I opened the door I saw a pregnancy test. I looked at it. My eyes widened. I rushed downstairs

-Mum!!! Why didn't you tell me that I'll have a younger brother or sister?

-What are you talking about? Im not pregnant.

-Why are you lying? Then whose test result is it?

-Hmmm let me think... If boys cant get pregnant and we have only two women... It means its either mum or your sister- Dad said

-But Rose cant be pregnant.... can she?? - I couldnt believe what my dad just said

Then mum came into the room

-Im telling you Im not pregnant! NO way! Wait. ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!COME DOWNSTAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<POV Rose>

I heard mum calling me downstairs.


-Rose, can you tell me what is it?

My mum was holding my test result!!!!!!!!!!



I really liked writing this chapter because I tried to humour in this kind of situation ^_^ Hope you Liked it!!! Dont forget to RATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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