Chapter 6

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* After 2 years*

<POV Tiana>


Andrea is online.

Tiana: Hello! How are you? What's new?

Andrea: Hey! Everything is fine) As usual... Oh!! Have you heard about Rose? She gave birth to Ashlyn. She is now 5 years old! Its amazing how vampires and werewolves grow so fast!

Tiana: Really?? Thats awesome!! You know 2 years ago my cousin Larissa turned into a werewolf!! She drank something my uncle invented. And now her and Michael have a 5 year old daughter Clara.

Andrea: Lets visit them?!

Tiana: Thats a great idea! Its ok if I bring with me my friend Debbi?

Andrea: Yep) And I'll bring Helen, Ewa and Scott cause I cant leave Scott at home on his own. Even though he is seven he still acts like 5.

Tiana: Is Ashton gonna be there?

Andrea: Of course?? But why are you asking?? You should know better cause you LOVE HIM!!!

Tiana: STOP WRITING IT!!!OK??.......never mind....... I'll see you in a month cause I have to work(( OK?

Andrea: Cant wait) Probably they are going to be 15 already)) Cause at their age they grow just in a month)

Tiana: Ok, bye my vampire friend))))))))

Andrea: Bye werewolfyyyyyy :33333


Do you wanna log out?


-Hooray!! Im gonna meet Andrea soon))

<POV Andrea>

-Ewa, Scott!!! Get your arses down here now!!

-Yo SUP!!- Ewa smiled at me

-In a month were going to visit my cousin Rose and Im going to take you, Helen and Scott with me and you have no other choice

-So that means we're going to meet new people?

-Yep) Youre going to meet my old bestfriend Tiana and her friend Debbi, my cousins, 5 seconds of summer and one direction and also Tiana's cousin Larissa.

-Thats too many people!!- she complained

-Will you stop complaining??!!! They're nice) Oh... and try to be friendly to the ones that are werewolves.. Kk?

-What?? There are werewolves going to be there?-She screamed in my face

- Be quiet! They are not like other werewolves you saw in the movies!

-Ok. I guess we should go and tell Helen and Scott then.

-Yep. They can't say that they are not coming because I already called my aunt and she said that we can stay at her house. Ok. Lets go. I'll call Helen and you get Scott.

-Sure- Ewa said

-Hey Helen! Hows it goin gurl?

-Fine) you?

-Good just wanted to let you know that you are coming with me, Ewa and Scott to my cousin in a month.

-Wait... what d...

-You cant say no cause you owe me, so...... Thats all!!! See you later)


*End Call*

-I got Scott!!- Yelled Ewa

-Ok. No need to scream! Im RIGHT BESIDE YOU!!

-You wanted to see me? -Scott asked

-Yea in one month we're going to your Aunts house, because your cousin Rose gave birth!-Ewa replied

-Oh ok?

-Good cause you were going to come either way!!! HAhaahaha- I said

-O.....K....... Can I go now??

-Yea you can leave

Weirdo -Scott said as he ran upstairs

-Sooo what do we do now?- Ewa asked

-I go get pizza you stay here with Scott

--Ughh F....I...N....EEE

-Ok See you in a bit


----------------------------------------------hi guys just to let's you know Andrea is me and Tia is my friend writing this book and Ewa Is one of bff as we'll for Tia love you guys and plz go like comment vote thx love you

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