Chapter 14

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*After a month*

< POV Andrea >

Riiiiing .......Riiiing.......

-Hello -Harry said

-Hi! Where are you? I have something to tell you- I said

-Tell me it later because I am busy at the moment -said Harry

Then I heard a girly voice on the background

-Harry who's voice was that? - I asked

-I'll talk to you later - Harry responded really quickly

Beep ........... beep ...........

Call has been ended......

-Tia what do I do? -I said

-What happened ?-Tia asked worried

-I heard a girly voice in the background

-I have and Idea! -Tia said smirking

-Ok! Tell me please!!!! -I asked begging her

-I have a gps so we can track him down -Tia said her smirk getting bigger and bigger by the seconds that pass

*2 min later*

-I FOUND HIM!! - Tia screamed

-Thanks! Tell everyone that I am gone -I said hugging her.

< POV Author >

Andrea started to run like a maniac across the street to find the right house . Her tears were falling down her cheeks like waterfall

Knock knock

Nobody answered so she broke down the door and her heart stopped beating

Ari saw a pair of shoes that did not belong to her

She rushed up the stairs and heard voices behind the door. In a second she opened the door and saw Harry kissing a blonde girl on the lips. Her hand flew up to her mouth as she cried . She came closer to him

-HARRY!!! HOW COULD YOU? -she screamed and slapped him across the face and ran away.

< POV Harry >

What was she doing here?? How did she find out that I was at home not at work??? I didn't wanted that to happen.Oh no what did I do?

< POV Ewa >

I was talking with Tia when suddenly Ari knocks us over while hugging us

-What's wrong? -I asked

-Why are you crying? Is Harry cheating on you? -Tia said joking

-Yes - Ari said while crying even more

-What ?- I asked surprised that Harry would even think about cheating on her

-Yea - Ari said her voice trembling as she spoke

-Hey! Stop crying! He is not worth it if he didn't see that he had the coolest girlfriend ever!!! - Tia said comforting her

-Yea! How about we all go change in pj and watch movies and eat pizza and ice-cream ?!!-I said smiling

-Please -she said smiling while whipping her tears

-Ok I get the ice-cream

I order the pizza - Tia said

-I GET THE MOVIES !!!- ari screamed

-THATS THE ARI WE KNOW!! - me and Tia said laughing and screaming at the same time

-WHOOO LETS GO!! -Ari screamed while running to pick the movies

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