Chapter 25 *The End *

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< POV Ari >
At this very moment I found the ground very interesting so me being me was staring intensely at the ground when I decided to look up my face came in contact with a ........................... Door *yay now I have a bruised nose * if you didn't notice I had sarcasm in my voice. I looked up at the door I bumped into and it looked like in a fairytale it was big or more like huge the place itself. looked like it was the place where the story of Cinderella happened. I heard noise behind and I turn around at the speed of lighting .I see Ewa and Tia and suddenly Luke mind links me " Tia and Ewa where being Bi*ches and didn't listen to me when I told them to not follow you " i mind link him back "don't worry There going to get it after for being stop
-hey-Ewa said out of breath
-Please just go -I whispered to them
-Wha- Tia started before I interrupted her
-Do you want more people to die like louis? there was a reason I sent luke back and it was to help! so I want you too to go back and help before anyone else gets hurt -I growl keep my cool ( not really😖)
- but we can help he- Ewa and Tia started before I interrupted them again
-do you want cal or ash to get hurt huh? do you? because there is way to many people there that not all the people we came with is enough. isn't it enough that Debbi is hurt because louis died ? do you want to be in pain like her because her true love or mate or whatever died do you ?no you don't and this isn't your battle it's mine I know you guys care about Ashlynn but I am responsible for her and if anyone would be here to help me it would be Luke and because he's my mate or whatever because me and him are the "guardians " of Ashlynn so please go back before we lose someone else - with all that said I took in a deep breath that I need after all that I said
-Okay - they Both say at the same time
-Okay -I respond back before we all start laughing
-We got to stop with the fault in our stars -ewa said catching her breath
-yea-I say before it all goes quiet and after a couple second they tackle me to a hug
-Be careful -Tia said before running off
-Yea be careful we don't need another funeral and I want you alive after all of this and even after all this your still my besto
-And you'll still be mine - with a that said I hug her before she runs of back to the battlefield .
I turn around to a sound that coughs my attention . I turn around and see Niall standing there with a cute boy that looked about the age of 18,19 maybe .
-So niall is this the motherly bi*ch you've been telling me about- he said smirking
Ok take that all back you just lost the tittle of being cute mister . I could see Naill looking sad . Suddenly the dude attacked Niall. Niall was now on the ground moaning in pain . John which is the guys name stacked you .
<POV Author >
John punched Ari in the face. Glaring at him as her jaw set her snarled
-you bastard!
Pulling her leg back, she drove her foot into his shin. Drawing his arm back, John drove his fist into Ari 's nose. Head flying as her eyes locked on the sky, Ari stumbled. Her left foot slid on the concrete and she braced the heel of her sneaker against the rough ground. Her hands rose to cover her nose, eyes squeezing shut. A single tear leaked down her cheek. Head coming forwards, nose throbbing, she glared at John over her fingers.her nose was already hurt from her walking in the door. did he really need to punch her nose out of all places her nose.
-You bastard,-Ari snarled. -What the hell did you do that for?
-You weren't listening!
why would she listen to a jerk like him? is he stupid or something?
-Oh?- Ari said, lowering her hands. -Well, asshole listen to this!-Ari stepped forward, left leg pulling back and struck out.
Her instep slammed into John's shin with a solid crunch. John yelped, his right leg lifting off the ground, head dropping as he leaned forwards. Seizing the back of John's head with her fingers, she forced his skull down and rammed her knee upwards into his face. Fortunately for Ari ,john was far enough away that when he attempted to grab her she sidestepped him and delivered a sharp kick to the outside of his left knee. He grunted and fell back against the stack of wooden crates. He then got up clumsily, rubbing his arm, showing his anger at how easily Ari had dodged and hit him. John lunged at Ari out of anger that she is beating him up . She dodged to the side and delivered a sharp kick to his knee.
He grunted and fell against the wall of his Cinderella castle . He scrambled up, rubbing his arm, eyes full of hate once again (don't hate the player hate the game john be happy your not dead yet)
His expression changed from anger and hate to amusement. Ari knew she had made a fatal mistake that might cause her her life . She searched for something that she could protect herself with she found nothing nothing at all . all of a sudden she got pushed to the ground . she looked up to see who save her she looked and saw that Niall has not only saved her but killed the boss as well . Ari smiled knowing she got her innocent Niall back .
Niall held a hand out to help her get up and she took it . after she dusted herself she found herself being attack by Niall with his famous Niall Horan hugs .
-I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you or anybody he force me too he said if I didn't he would kill all of you -Niall said crying
-Niall look at me -Ari said in at kind voice Niall looked up scared about what she's going to say
-It's okay Niall I forgive you
Niall smiled slightly
-What about the others -Niall said about to start crying again
-They understand or else I'll just knock some sense into them -Ari said smiling happy to have her innocent besto back
Suddenly the door burst open they both whipped there heads to see who standing there . It's Ashlynn
Ashlynn jumps into Ari arms with full force that made the older female nearly drop the younger female since she was hurt badly in the battle she had .
-Sh sh its okay I understand and I forgave him already its okay -the older girl said sounding happy at what the younger one called her
The was a couple seconds of silence but good type of silence not the awkward type . It all ended when the male decided to speak .
-We should start heading back yeah -the male said
The older female smiled why saying
-Yeah let's go home -and by home she meant the place where everyone should feel loved inside but not everybody get to be loved inside a home .
The male picked the younger female up while the two adults started running back to where there friends are waiting
*couple minutes later brought by Kevin the bird one last time *
The group where so happy the see that the two girl came back But got angry when they saw that male was with them
-What is he doing here -ewa growled
-First of all shut the fuck up and listen it what I have to say first of all Niall never wanted to hurt anyone he was force because Mr jerk face said that he would harm us if he didnt do it and I know Niall is innocent because he save me from getting killed so he is alright and don't you think deserve to have her father in her life -Ari said smirking
The group all huff while they all responded with a yes
-Good how let's all be friends and pretend this never happened -Ari said smiling they all start laughing and going bad home where they all belong .
Life has its up and down but you have to face life anyway even if you hate it or if you like it you still have to face life that life's job to annoy the crap out of you .without you life would have no meaning . Just imagine life a person with a sad past and that he or she wanted a friend to have Bad And good times with cause that's what friends do . The gang where happy that they got past this down in there life but happy that it's no the last down in there life because life would be boring if life didn't have downs . So what if life might be harsh sometime I know we all go through it life might kill or hurt someone you love but you have to get over it everyone is bound to die sometime and life decides when . you got to stop hating life just for killing someone you love .life might have killed that person for the best . stop thinking and think about how happy that person might be because he or she died they don't have to face life no more. no more problem , bills or homework or work but that person will be watching over you and helping you to deal with life better so just be happy that the person is still with you they might not be physically but in spirt that are . Life goes on after every up and down you just have to be ready to face those ups and downs .

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