Chapter 23

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< POV Ari >
I blinked my eyes in shock to see that he also had Ashlynn with him . I saw Clara behind them with someone holding her too .

- Let them go! Right now!- I growled while stepping closer to them

- Move one more step and she dies

I stopped dead in my tracks. Eyes widening at what Niall said . He would not do that to his child... would he?

-good... now take a step back or she gets it

I took a step back .

- ok! ok! But please just don't hurt her! - I sobbed

- hmm.. why do you care so much about her she's not your child anyway- Niall said looking a bit lost .

-First of all because I promised Rose to take care of her .- I saw everybody flinch when I mentioned Rose but that didn't stop me from talking- And two is because she's like my own child. I know I might not be her real mom and I could never replace her real mom but to me she's like my daughter even if she doesn't see me as a mom .

-Wow what happened to the little Ari? The one who was like a child herself- Niall smirked

- She is still her but she just is hiding from a hideous monster that is called Niall- I smirked

While me and Niall were talking I saw Clara had taken down the guy that was holding her and was tippy toeing towards Niall . Just as she was about to hit him he turned around and hit her . She went straight into a wall and hit her back.

-CLARA!!!- Ashlynn screamed and Niall slapped her across her poor face

That's when Tia lost it. She turned into her werewolf form and was about to attack Niall when Calum turned into his werewolf form and got in front of her growling . It was like he was telling her to stop . Ewa bent down and started to pet Tia's head also as a sign telling her to calm her shit down .


In response Niall just smirked holding Ashlynn closer to him making her whimper and also making Luke growl loudly. More of Niall's people started to appear and started to circle us . Luke came beside me and held my hand .

- It will be ok - he whispered in my ear

With that every werewolf transformed into their wolf form and attacked one side of the circle while the vampires attacked the other side .

I saw Niall running away with Ashlynn . I whistled and Ash appeared beside me . I ran and got Clara before anyone else would and sat her on Ash's back . I bent down and whispered in his ear .

- Bring her home. ok? -I whispered

Ashton barked showing he understood what I said. He nuzzled his head in my leg and whimpered . I patted his head

- Im ok. it won't be the last time you see me. You can't get rid of meh that easy and love YA too- I smiled

With that Ashton took off to bring Clara home and I took off tasking down Niall . I started running as fast as I could . I needed to find Ashlynn and fast .

<POV Louis > ( bet you did see that coming did YA XD )

I took down the guy I was fighting . I looked around and saw Debbi struggling. I went to her and pulled the guy off of Debbi .

- Are you ok?- I asked.

In response Debbi nodded as I turned around and felt my chest area hurting. I looked down to see an arrow through my chest. I fell down on my knees and put my hands to my chest and pull the arrow out. With that I fell to the ground struggling to breath in the air . Debbi bended down beside me .

- Are you? Oh! please be ok!- Debbi asked frantically as she started to cry when she saw a huge hole in my chest . I put my hand on her cheek and wiped the tears away

-it's ok- I struggled saying but managed to say it anyway

-no it's not! this is all my fault- Debbi sobbed

I pulled her face so she looked me in the eyes

- it's not your fault and never will be ok?- I said as Debbi nodded in response

I pulled her face down to meet mine . She froze at the start but kissed me back after . I pulled away

- you don't know how long I have waited to do that- I smiled

- I love you

- I love you two - with that my last breath was taken away .

< POV Debbi >

I cried and cried that's all I could do .Liam came and started to comfort me

- shh it will ok- he cooed

- no it won't !louis is gone!- I sobbed

- that doesn't matter. all that matters is that you both love each other and will see each other again one time in the future- he smiled even though you could see it in his eyes that he was in pain

-Thanks Liam- I said and with that I stood up and went to kill the asshole that killed Louis .

<POV Ari >

I heard someone run behind me so I started to run faster . I looked behind to see a wolf. I stopped knowing it was my boyfriend .

-Luke what are you doing?- I asked

I heard a voice in my head saying "get on my back and let's go" . I smiled knowing that Luke cares for me . while we were running I heard a howl from far away . I look at Luke questionably and saw a sad puppy face .

- what's wrong?- I asked scared to know what happened

-Louis.......... he died- with that I burried my head in Luke's dog neck ( lol XD sorry I shouldn't be laughing at a time like this )and started to cry not only did my ex - boyfriend die but one of my best friends too . Great that's just great .

- It will be ok -Luke mind linked me

- I believe you- with that Luke started brimming faster to get Niall and Ashlynn and whatever else is there .

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