Chapter 20

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< POV Ari >

I was pacing around our hotel room . Thinking and thinking about what to do . I was so stupid to let Ashlynn go With Larissa. I was meant to protect her ..............that's something i didn't do and I promised I promised Rose I would .........when I'm getting Ashlynn back I'll never let her go again. I was alone in the girls hotel room. everyone were gone somewhere . Thank god! I needed some time to think . I had an idea . I pulled out my iPhone and called the one person I thought I would never call again ..............Harry .

-Hello- the voice answered

-Hi may I speak to Harry?- I asked

-You are and who may I ask this is?- Harry replied

-Its your fu*king ex girlfriend!!!- I shouted


- why would you do that? Why did you join Niall's side?- I questioned

-because he's my friend

-So is Liam ,Louis and Zayn

-Yea but when we broke up they were on your side when they were meant to be on mine

-that's because you cheated

-Whatever ....why did you call anyway?

-I want Ashlynn back


-I just want her back to be with me her mom

-your like her adoptive mom but Niall's her real family you should just let her be with her dad

-But but but I-i - i - I was cut off by Harry

-exactly she is happy here

-How do I know your not lying

-I'll send you a video -with that he hung up

*couple of minutes later*

Beep beep video message from harry styles

I watched the video with tears in my eyes Ashlynn was happy there she even said I love you daddy . I collapsed to the floor crying . after 10 minutes later everybody walked in and I mean everybody .

Everyone rushed to help me stand up . Ash picked me up and put me on the couch .

-Why are you crying will you please tell me you ok -Luke gushed

-We should just give up -i sobbed

-Give up on what ?-Debbs asked me

-On getting them back - I sobbed once again


-SHE SHOULD BE WITH HER REAL FATHER!- I emphasised on the word "real"

Luke had a hurt look on his face before it turned to anger .

-Are you seriously giving up ?-Luke spat at me . That's when I got angry

-LOOK AT MY DAMN PHONE AND SEE WHY I FU*CKING WANT TO GIVE UP - i screamed while I threw my phone and stomped out the room .

< POV Luke>

I took the now cracked phone . And watched the video . I couldn't believe my eyes she did look like she was having a good time and because of my anger I screwed up with Ari .

-So what's on the video -Tia asked

With The next line i said everybody knew Ari wasn't joking .

-Maybe we should give up - with that I left to go find ari

< POV Ari>

I was on the roof and I knew Luke was going to find me sooner or later .

-Hey -Luke said


-I'm sorry

-It's ok

Luke sat down next to me and cuddled into my side .yes we're cuddling on the roof don't judge

-Should we give up?-I asked

-No lets find her and see who she wants to stay with

I smiled and agreed with Luke the thing we didn't know was that .................................................................,................................................................................................................................................................................................ .. ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... The video was fake .


Hey guys I know I know not the best by it something so ya but thank for reading our book and go read our other book 1D and 5sos i imagines and please

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