Chapter 18

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Hey guys I am so sorry for not updating the new ch 18 early I was busy with school and stuff . so as you can see I told my friend to delete the old ch 18 cause ashton would never i repeat myself NEVER do that so i made my friend delete it so yay.i hope you enjoy the new ch 18 comment ,vote and like


*1 week later brought by Kevin the bird*

< POV Luke >

While we were at the park I thought about the feeling I felt when I saw Ari . It all clicked together. Then I realized that I had a crush on her that's why .I blushed even more and looked like a freaking tomato . So I was thinking to go and ask Ari out but I remembered that I should ask Ash before. If I can go out with her since she's like his sister.

-Hey Ash can I talk to you ?- I asked

-Sure what you want ?- he replied without taking his eyes of his phone

-Umm can we talk about Ari- I said while putting my hands on the back of my head that made him look up and finally look at me.

-What happened to her?- his voice sounded protective while answering my question

-Well I was um wondering if you know maybe I could ask her- Ash stared at me for awhile before bursting out laughing making him fall of the couch

-Are you seriously asking me that question? -he said while whipping his tears from laughing so hard

-Um yes cause you know... I dated your and now...- i said awkwardly

His mood changed as I mentioned about Rose.

-Well...I can't tell you no...... Cause it's how you feel now.... and the thing with Rose isn't your fault. I think she would be happy for you and Ari. - he said looking up at the ceiling and smiling to himself.

-Thanks- I said quietly nodding and heading to find Ari

< POV Ari >

I looked at Rebecca with tears streaming down my face.

-Do you really have to go?- I asked her while trying to stop crying

-yep.... I have to get back to my family- she sighed and smiled a little

-I'll miss you - I said hugging her

-Gurl do you think I won't miss ya? cause heck I will! -she said with an accent on the last words moving her hand in front of my face.

-Flight 196 to Scotland boarding now - the speakers said

-Bye -Rebecca said standing up to hug me again

-Don't say bye think of it as see you later -I corrected her smiling and huffing her back

-Flight 196 to Scotland boarding now last call- the speaker repeated

Rebecca stood up and rushed towards the gate


-SEE YA !!!-Rebecca shouted waving at me and disappearing in the distance

I turned around just to see Niall standing there with a smirk on his face

-Long time no see Ari- He said while laughing

-What do you want?-I said growling so loud that you would think I was a werewolf instead of a vampire

-I want to take Ashlynn -he said staring at me

I tackled him to the ground and pulled his ear to my mouth

-NEVER EVER WILL YOU GET ASHLYNN SHE IS MINE AND UNDER MY CARE SO YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT HER DO YOU HEAR ME DO YOU DO YOU???!!!!- I screamed slapping him and walking off like nothing happened

< POV Niall >

You will regret this Ari trust me.... I whispered through greeted teeth

< POV Ari >

After telling everybody what happened at the airport we knew Niall would do anything to get Ashlyn so we thought about starting to train so we can improve our fighting skills

*After a couple hours of training brought by Kevin the bird*

-Hey Ari can I talk to you?- Luke said sounding nervous

-Sure -I said smiling at the blond hair boy that I had a crush on . I've moved on since Harry .

We went to the backyard to see that it was raining outside

-Are you coming ?- Luke asked while opening the back door

-But its raining -I whined

Luke just laughed while walking outside.I follow him.

-Ugh why do you do this to me ?-I asked

-Because i can

-so what do you want to -I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine . Luke's lips .

I took my brain awhile before screaming at me to kiss him back . We were kissing for a couple of seconds before we heard multiple of clicks.We broke the kiss to see everybody I mean EVERYBODY there taking picture

-SO CUTTE!!!!-Ewa and Tia screamed at the same time making me and Luke laugh

-So did you ask her?-Ash asked while smirking

-ask me what ?- my eyes widened

-Will you be my girlfriend?

-Yes but tell me the question you wanted to ask me- I said whining

-That was the question-Luke said

-Oh now I feel stupid -that one line made everybody burst out laughing

-Stop-I whined while stomping like a little kid

-You so cute-Luke said smiling

-Biotch I know I'm fab -I said while flipping my hair and going back inside to dry myself

-Ohh burn -I heard Calum say

How did I end up with such weird friends ????

*Couple days later brought by ................. (You guessed it ) Kevin the bird *

< POV Author >

Ewa , Tia and Ari went shopping for awhile .when they were walking back they saw a couple of shadows following them . they stopped to look around just when they got attacked by Niall and his gang .

< POV Ari >

I fell to the ground . I looked up to see the face of my ex Harry freakin Styles

- what do you want ?-I growled

Harry didn't say anything but looked at me with guilt in his eyes then he starts to beating me up

- ANYONE HELP!!!- Me , Ewa and Tia screamed trying to protect ourselves but there were too many of them.

< POV Helen >

Me Lukas and his friends were walking on our street while I was talking to one of his friends. Then I heard yelp and it sounded like Aris voice and some other people my eyes widened when I heard it again. it was definitely Ari , Tia and Ewa . (I know my friends voices ok don't judge )I started to run towards the alley where the sound was coming from. I got there just to see Niall and his gang .I got angry and attacked them. Lukas and his friends did the same

<POV Author >

Helen Lukas and his friends had a very great fighting skill. They saved the girls

< POV Ari >

-Thanks-I said to the random guy helping me to get of the ground .

I turned around to see Helen with Lukas

-Guys you're our Heroes- me and the girls screamed at the same time crying . they just laughed at us and we went home .

Ahhhhhh home sweet home best place ever .

-We need to start training more often- Tia suggested and we shaked our heads in agreement

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