Chapter 21

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<POV Ashton>

When I woke up I saw that Tia was looking nowhere but ceiling. She looked a bit sad .I didn't ask her why because I knew what it was. It was because of Ashlyn and Clara. I wanted to make her think positively, but then I realized something. I understand why they took Ashlyn but why did they take Clara? I ran into the other room where Ari was sleeping. We were still in that hotel, so I got a little lost. I opened the door and saw Ari in the same mood as Tia. Luke was gently rubbing her shoulders

-Excuse me..... Ari? Can I take a look at again?- I asked carefully

-..............Yeah......I guess-she answered still looking out of the window.

-The phone is in the bathroom table- Luke said with small smile.

-Thanks- I nodded.

I went into their bathroom and easily found her phone as it was the only thing laying on the bathroom table. I took it and went outside. I quickly jumped over the stairs and ran towards the garden behind the hotel. I sat down on a bench surrounded by trees. Suddenly I felt someones hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Luke

-Oh hey! Where is Ari?- I asked him

-She is with Tia-he sadly smiled- What are doing?

-I just want to see the video.....again.

-Can I join you?

-Yes of course

He sat down beside me and I switched on Aris phone. We watched it three times. The same thing over and over again. There is Ashlyn laughing and jumping around the room hugging.......Niall. Clara singing a song at the background. I looked at Luke. He looked focused. I didnt know why. It was just a video after all.

-Ash for some reason I think I saw it somewhere before

-What do you mean?- I asked confused

-Well remember on Ashlyns birthday? She wore the same dress. And plus when Ashlyn was packing her bag to go with Larissa I didnt see her putting this dress in.....

I got a little worried too. Something was definitely not right. I looked at the video again and my eyes caught something really suspicious. On the wall there was a reflection of Ashlyn and Clara..or anything............I hardly swallowed

-D-Do you think that this video........................................might be fake?


-Everyone inside the hotel do you think we could go and check on our girls?

-Tia and Ari?

-No........................ Ashlyn and Clara................-he responnded.

-.......................................ok but no one should know about it-I whispered looking right into his eyes.

-Lets go....

We quietly sneaked out of the hotel. I could sense Ashlyn.....her presense wasnt that far from us. We ran about for an hour. I couldnt think of anything but Ashlyn and Clara.

-Luke what will we do when we find them?

-cant be sure.....everything depends on what we'll see.

-huh....-I nodded

We ran towards a factory that was in the middle of a street. No one was outside. I could smell blood everywhere........vampires who else. I stopped running and looked at Luke shushing him. Luke looked at me confused.

-Lets be very careful.... we came here just to check not fighting or anything.


We bent a little and started to walk quietly towards a window. I was the first one to peek out. The thing I saw shocked me. I couldnt look at it. Tears started to form in my eyes. Luke saw them and peeked out as well to see why I was crying. He closed his mouth with his hand. My legs were wobbly. I felt very angry and sad that I couldnt do anything at that particular moment. I hardly swallowed and looked at Luke. "Lets go" I mouthed and we ran away. We ran away from that factory so that if Nialls people will realize that we have been watching them and they would start chasing after us they wouldnt find us.

-H-how could they do that to them..........teenage girls?- Luke said his voice shacking.

-I dont know, I just dont.............but I know for sure that this video was fake and we have to save them.

-But we can't do it on our own. There are too many for us.

-That's why we have to go and tell others.

On our way back it was a silence between us. We were thinking of the scene we saw in that factory and that we had to tell others about it. When we arrived at the hotel everyone were waiting for us at the entrance.

-Where were you?!- Tia hugged me tightly crying.

-Yes, where were you?- Ari asked sounding serious.

-We...........found out that the video was.......fake.

-Aaaghhh- Ari gasped covering her mouth with hands- But how?

-We went there and saw something horrible.....- Luke answered

-What?-everyone looked worried.

-They were torturing them........ They forced them to fight against each other and....... They are both a good condition

-W-what??!!!!- Ari screamed. - WE HAVE TO SAVE THEM!!!!!

-We know and we thought maybe we have to think of a p- I started to suggest but Wes cut off when Ari ran in the direction where Niall was.

-Oh sh*t-I said and everyone ran after her before she would do something.

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