Chapter 12

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*At Home*

<POV Zayn>

Oh god. Luke and Ashlyn said that they are going to stay at the hospital. Larissa,Michael and Clara at their house.Ewa is in her room and not coming out for some reason. Calum went outside to get some fresh air. Andrea and Harry came home holding hands. Im kinda jealous. Louis is talking to Debs. Liam and Helen are dicussing a new movie. Scott is playing on his phone. But where is Tia and Ashton. I dont like that they are going out. No one knows that I like her. I knew her before Ashton but this is a different story. I have to find out.

-Scott, can you ask your sister to find out when Tia is gonna come?

-No go and ask her yourself.

-Ill give you 5 euro but dont tell anyone that its me.


Scott went over to Andrea and asked her. Andrea started to call someone. Then Scott ran up to me and said.

-Andrea said that you should come up to her and ask her yourself.

I looked at Ari and saw a smirk.

-No Thanks!- I said to Andrea and went upstairs.

*2 Long Hours Later*

I heard a door opening. Its probably Tia and Ash. They walked upstairs. It was already 10pm.

-Good night everyone!- Ashton said.

-Good night!- said Tia with her sweet voice.

Then they both went into Ashton's room and locked it. I went on my tiptoes to the door but heard nothing. Maybe they went to sleep.

*On the next morning*

<POV Clara>

This Calum doesnt know anything about love. So I had to take everything into my own hands.

-Calum so dont be so shy. Just go and tell her about your feelings.

-What feelings?

-Even I understand it . You LOVE HER.

-What! It cant be true.

-Oh yes it is. ok. If you cant do it then first kiss her.

-How? She doesnt even wants to talk to me.

-Then Just do it ok? Try your best!

-Thanks Clara

<POV Calum>

I went to the bathroom but in front of the door she was standing. When she saw me she tried to quickly walk past me but I put out my hand blocking her way.

-W...HAT!?.....Are you doing!

I didnt say anything I just moved my face closer and pecked onto her lips. First she didnt do anything. But then we kissed fully. She was looking at me biting her bottom lip.

-I Love you

Only those three words made her cheeks blush.

-Let me guess. You want to be my boyfriend?-she said hiding her face


-Then you should probably know the answer.....Im allowing you to be my boyfriend.Im sorry for earlier. For ignnoring you. I was just too embarased......

-Its fine.........come here. let me hug you.

I hugged her and she burried her face in my chest.

<POV Andrea>


-Yes? Oh really? Oh ok ok, but noooo................. Ill ask someone else ok? Yes. Thank you! Bye! Love you too.

-Who was it?- Harry asked.

-My mum she wanted me to bring Scott back cause he didnt finish his project for school. He has only August left to finish. But I dont want to go back!!!!

-What!? You have to go back?- Ewa asked

-Yes but I dont want to...

-I can bring him back for you

-Really? Thank you!!

-When do we have to bring him?

-She said he can stay here for another 2 weeks so

-Oh ok then!! So Ill be going back in 2 weeks?

-Yes. Im sorry about that. You probably wanted to stay here.

-No its totally fine with me!-she smiled

-Also she is not going on her own ! I want to come too!-Calum screamed.

-Ohhh its soooo cute!!! Thank you!!!- Ewa said and hugged him

<POV Clara>

I didnt know what to do so I just went over to Scott. Maybe we will be able to talk about something.He looks so serious when playing games. He is probably very clever cause he defeated a lot of people. Today he wears blue top. SOOOO CUTEE!!!.

-Hey Scott!


-What ya doing?


He is not interesting at all. And what did I find in him so attractive? OK, he is handsome but he doesnt look at anything further than his phone.

-I DONT LOVE YOU anymore......

-What?........... you loved me?...............-he said still playing on his phone

-Never mind..............Just continue doing what you are good at................

Ehhh sadly he is not my type........ I better go home now or I will get a disease called " Im boring" from Scott.

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