Promise me

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A thick cloud of smog covered the dark warehouse, it slightly burned the Empath lungs and made her cough. The sharp smell of rust, sweat and burning rubber lingered in the air and only made her stomach churn in disgust. Her eyes looked at the hanging lamp that swayed and cast it light around the room. It was the heat of battle twenty minutes into it and she was already cursing her leader under her breath. She held her cape tight as she step forward expecting to be attacked at any moment. It her right hand she gripped her lifeline and kept the soft static going hoping that a familiar voice would announce itself over the static.

But it didn't.

Anxiously she turned a corner and saw her friend sitting on the ground. She crept forward her eyes darting around as she drew in closer to the man. As she neared she saw the reason for his lack of stature, the robot was currently using his finger as a blow torch. His left leg completely a miss while his right one was open exposing wires and electric surges. She tapped his shoulder silently while her eyes asked if he was okay.

Victor gritted his teeth nodded in the direction in front of him. He let her know that what ever awaited her in the next room wasn't a friend. She paused letting her fingers linger on his cold metal shoulder before she whispered, "Garfield." She didn't wait for his answer but quickly moved hiding along the shadows. Once she reached the door frame she cocked her head in looking left and right.

The room was completely bare except some old painter sheets. She moved in and looked behind the door before looking back over her shoulder. Raven then heard the sound before she felt it. A the sound of something solid, a pipe perhaps collided with her skull. She fell to the ground with a soft thud as black blurred her vision.

Raven awoke to a searing pain in her shoulder. Biting back her tears she forced her eyes open to see the one person she actually feared the most. A woman similar in her height and stature sat on her chest her knees pinning her arms in place. Her yellow amber eyes pierced deeply into hers as her wicked smile grew.

"The demon witch awakes." She announced in a stomach turning tone. Raven kicked her feet but couldn't seem to shake the girl off. Her mind raced as her adrenaline kicked in.

"Get off." She barked her eyes suddenly glowing.

"Ah, so the magic begins." She giggled. The pain in Raven's shoulder magnified a thousand percent. She cried out briefly and looked down. The girl had twisted branded blade into the space of her shoulder and collar bone. Inches lower and it would have been her heart. The villainess seem to take account of that and slowly twisted the blade with her two fingers.

"That's right, yell and scream. No one will come save you now. And while your magic is strong my knife wields magic of its own." She explained. Raven felt her body scream in pain as she tried to will her powers. Teleport, grab something heavy, anything, but she couldn't conjurer any magic large enough to produce a fight. She glared up at the girl and tossed her head around.

"You think that killing me will end this?" She spat her anger boiling. "Malkora, you kill me, and that's just the beginning." The knife was twisted again and Raven could actually feel the blood pouring down her shoulder. "Do it. Kill me. You be signing your death certificate." she hissed.

A loud growl echoed off the empty walls and Raven felt her her heart leap in response. "Get off her, you fucking bitch!" Came his voice. Raven couldn't help a small smile that formed on her lips. Her savor. Raven didn't even have time to blink before the villain ripped the knife from her shoulder and stabbed it back into her chest. Her breath stilled right there in her chest. She didn't even realize she was screaming until her ears told her that it was being produced by her very lungs. She stared at the girl watching her face as her plan seemed to have worked.

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