Happy Birthday

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“So, you’re finally eighteen.”

“Yeah, finally! It sucks being the youngest. I guess we can't really call ourselves the Teen Titans anymore, 'cuz we're all adults now.” Beastboy chucked to himself.

Raven refrained from rolling her eyes, but just barely. “I wouldn't exactly call us adults yet. But I guess being legally an adult has its benefits. You can vote now.”

She watched Beastboy turn his head to throw her an accusing look. “Oh yeah Rae, that's what I've been looking forward to for eighteen years. Fucking voting rights.”

He had taken to swearing as of late, only a few four letter words sprinkled here and there, when the mood struck him. But he wasn't dumb enough to let the words slip around Robin. He knew from an unfortunate experience what his straight- laced leader would do of he caught a Titan member using profanity. Beastboy would be subjected to an furious lecture about ‘setting an example’ and being a ‘cornerstone in the community’, and he was better off avoiding that all together.

“Well what were you looking forward to then? It's not like we can do much, being Titans and all. And don't you dare say a strip club.”

He laughed a bit at Raven’s expense before answering. “Please, thanks to our job and the sleezeballs that live in this city I’ve seen enough of that kind of nightlife. Plus why would I want to go bump shoulders with a bunch of sticky, lonely men. There’s this thing called porn rae, much easier.”

Raven faked a gagging noise. “I could have died happy never hearing that.”

The changing laughed again, this time gripping the edge of the roof and swinging his feet up in the air. “But seriously, I don’t know what I was expecting. I just always envisioned eighteen as being something special. Like a right of passage or whatever. Aren’t I supposed to be getting drunk in the woods or some park right now? Buying lottery tickets or even a cigar that I’ll definitely puke up and throw away after one puff?” He sighed. “I feel like nothing’s changed.”

She snorted, “Welcome to adulthood my friend. Disappointing, isn’t it?”

He chucked dryly “Yeah, I guess. But I feel like were always doing the boring part of being adults, ya know? I just thought that maybe once I turned eighteen, I could enjoy the fun parts too.”

The sadness wasn’t on his face, but Raven could feel it in the air, it rolled off him like rain in a downpour.

“I bought a dirty magazine when I turned eighteen.” She wasn’t sure why she had blurt this out to him, it was embarrassing. But she wanted to replace his sadness with something else, even if it made him laugh at her a bit, it was worth it to see that goofy smile of his again.

His eyes went wide, “You- No way! What for? Just because you could? Raven I knew you liked to read and all but I didn’t know you were into that kinda stuff! How was it?”

“I’m not into it!” She defended herself, but the look on his face said he didn’t believe her. “I just wanted to do something I’d never done before. It’s like you said, I bought it because I could.”

“Soooo~ How was it?”

Now it was her turn to look shocked.

“Aw, come on Rae. You can tell me.”

She ignored him.

“I bet you still have it tucked under your bed.”

Raven turned to punch him, but he grabbed her fist before she could, laughing at her indignant attitude.

“For your information,” she informed him “I only skimmed it and threw it away before I even got back to Titans tower.”

“Couldn’t risk bird boy finding it, huh?”

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