Time out

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Beast Boy stared into the infinity of sea before him. He had been like this for, how long? Ten minutes? Twenty? An hour?

It had felt like an eternity, but that must have been just him. After all, he wasn't used to sitting down and staying still for too long. He was always moving, flying, bouncing, cracking jokes, coming up with new things; even on the rare occasions when he was quiet, it was part of something bigger.

And he wasn't used to being silent when he was outdoors; silent enough to feel the wind on his green hair, or the sea waves ocassionally hitting and ending their lives in the rocks. He sometimes had to squint his eyes because of the brightness of the sun- though there were enough clouds in the sky, they were in constant movement and sometimes left the sky unprotected.

That's life, he thought. The air, the sea, the clouds... everything was in movement but him.

But in reality, he couldn't help it. He couldn't help but replaying the past events in his head again and again.

Raven got mad at him in a nearly regular basis, but this time hadn't been like the others.

You see, neither Raven nor Beast Boy nor anybody else in the team took their fights seriously anymore. It was more like a game, a sport. It was their form of interaction, even if the others hadn't understood at first. Even now, Beast Boy didn't know if they had understood or just plain accepted it.

Problem was, this time it hadn't been a game. He felt like he had stepped out of the rules, when she reacted the way she did. But he didn't know why she had reacted like that.

And that was the reason he was there, thinking. Feeling bad and trying to figure out why she had gotten like that.

Let's start from the beginning. The only thing he had done was taking a necklace he had found in a drawer. It had been in the bottom drawer, hidden inside a folded towel; apart from that, there was absolutely nothing else there. That of course had made him curious.

And curiosity killed the cat. What an irony, considering his present situation.

He was certain he would die if he morphed back now.

What had he been doing in her room, you may ask? Well he'd been exclusively looking for something to steal from her. That in itself was a revenge from the time she ruined his video-games session with Cyborg, which is another story.

The he had hidden the necklace in his room, and wait until she discovered what he had done. It took her shorter than he had thought, even when he knew that by now she probably searched her room every time she entered to see if he had taken anything.

Up to there, it had stayed a game. Raven was ahead of him and he had just wanted to get even. But then she came down in a fit of rage and demanded where was her necklace. Making it clear she wasn't playing anymore.

And that's when the game paused and score vanished.

And all because he had chosen the wrong object to get revenge on his video-games session. The one she had ruined to get revenge on her favorite mug. Which he had broken to get even on his poor ears, which she had pulled one day he was being too lazy for her standars.

And so on and on and on, ever since the day heaccidentally fell on her in his rhino form, back in their very first fight with Cinderblock.

But, looking back in the score as he was doing now, he realized something. Lately his revenges had consisted on breaking her stuff; she probably thought he had stolen that necklace to break it and that's why she was so worried. That made sense.

Maybe thinking for long periods of time did work. He'd have to thank Raven later… that is, if she still spoke to him.

It offended him a little that she thought he would break something like that. It was too expensive-looking and to well-kept; it wasn't a simple mug or vase, it looked too important. And that's why he had decided to just hide it.

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