Fruits of persistency

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"C'mon, Rae! Please?" begged the changeling, clasping his hands together and giving Raven his trademark puppy face, complete with shining eyes and quivering lip. He picked up the video game console and waved it in front of her face, disrupting her concentration on the novel in her hands. The girl wanted nothing more than to rip the controller from Beast Boy's fingers and to throw it out a window, and yet, she refrained.

He had been at this for maybe fifteen minutes now, and was finally wearing on Raven's last nerve. After living with the boy for a number of years you would think that she was used to his antics, but he was a pro at getting her frazzled, and this time was no different.

Raven scowled, quite perturbed at the boy's persistency, and even more annoyed at the fact that she could not retaliate.

"For the hundredth time, no," she deadpanned, her eyebrow twitching slightly.

"But Raven," he whined, "I'm bored."

"Well, go find something productive to do," Raven said, her voice betraying a hint of strain.

"I can't. I'm not supposed to move around that much, remember?"

Raven sighed. Did she remember? With his constant reminders, how could she possibly forget? A few days earlier, the Titans had faced off against some street thugs who were holding up a liquor store. The goons were surprisingly good fighters for being such petty thieves, and the Titans had their hands full. During the height of the fight, Beast Boy had taken a blow to the skull, which had stunned him and sent him falling a good six feet from the top of an SUV to the ground. The boy landed hard, his shoulder taking the brunt of the impact. As soon as the thieves were apprehended, the Titans had taken Beast Boy to the Tower's med bay, where it was discovered that he had sustained a severely cracked clavicle and a fractured humerus. Raven had mended his injuries the best she could, but he still required a few weeks off for full recuperation. This meant no training, little physical exertion, and most importantly, no shape shifting for two whole weeks. Raven was both slightly offended and honored when Robin went out of his way to specifically remind her not to injure the changeling while he was recovering.

It was only the third day after his accident, and already Beast Boy was bored utterly out of his mind. He had resorted to bugging Raven whenever she was around, enjoying the fact that she couldn't inflict bodily harm upon him in his present state. It was like a game now, seeing how far he could push Raven before she ran off in a huff.

Beast Boy sat down on the couch next to Raven, bouncing in his seat like a little kid. When this got no visible rise out of the empath, he began to whistle a random tune while he fiddled with the game console, tossing it from hand to hand.

Raven had been rereading the same paragraph in her book for the last five minutes, and she was struggling to remain calm. If she couldn't so much as lay a finger on Beast Boy, the next best thing would be to just get up and leave the room before she completely lost it. However, she couldn't do that. Beast Boy would certainly see it as a personal victory if she showed that his foolery had gotten the best of her. No, she just had to stick it out until he got bored and left.

"Quit it," Raven demanded curtly when he began to whistle a very off key version of "Edelweiss" from "The Sound of Music."

"Quit what?" Beast Boy replied innocently.



"Because I'm trying to read."

"Oh." Beast Boy was silent for a minute. "So, wanna play a video game?"

Raven snapped her book shut, her eyes narrowing. "Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" she demanded.

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