Green tea 2

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The Titans tower effervesced in the morning sun; the water surrounding the tower sparkled like diamonds. Seagulls swirled overhead precariously, and the City bustled with business. The brightness of the day pierced through the curtains of Raven's room, the light landing right on her eyes, awakening her from a deeply comforting slumber. She proceeded in moving her body but quickly realized that she was pinned beneath a heavy object. She looked and understood quickly that it was Beast Boy. She rapidly tapped him awake. "Beast Boy!" She hissed. "Wake up!"

His snoring abruptly ended and he opened his eyes slowly. "Yeah Rae?" He mumbled sleepily, his eyes drooping considerably.

"You're in my bed!" She nearly yelled.

Beast Boy awoke completely and looked at her, he gave her a smile. Raven suddenly remembered the events of yesterday, the dancing, the game, the kissing. She blushed deeply and Beast Boy pulled her closer for a kiss. "Morning beautiful."

Raven gave him a weak smile, slightly embarrassed of her memory gap. "Did we do what I think we did?" She asked him, she felt around her bed and noticed that she was naked. The silkiness of her sheets caressed her body and she blushed again. "I don't know why I'm blushing; I just can't believe how well I controlled my emotions."

Beast Boy chuckled and looked around the room; it looked like a tornado tore through it. "Well, you did your best." His eyes suddenly widened, he detached himself from Raven and fell back on his pillow. "OH MY GOD." He said dangerously.

Raven moved her head to his chest, snuggling closer to him. "What?" She groaned.

Beast Boy looked at Raven, a sad look coming across his face. "I didn't wear protection…" He whispered.

Raven sat up and laughed openly for what seemed like the first time in ages. "That's hilarious!" She continued to laugh and Beast Boy's befuddlement increased.

"Mind letting me in on the joke?" He said nervously, his eyes expressing the shock he felt from hearing her laugh.

"I'm half demon, meaning that it would take a SUPER miracle for me to get pregnant, you're human; meaning that it would be nearly impossible for you to get me pregnant." She snuggled in closer to him again. "The panic on your face was priceless." She mumbled.

Beast Boy's breathing slowed and he relaxed into the bed. "Thank god…" He whispered. He smoothed Raven's hair down. "You have a gorgeous laugh." He said, happily changing the subject. "I have to make you do it more often."

Raven resisted the urge to chuckle. "Am I going to get complements like this all the time?"

Beast Boy smiled widely. "Yup, now that you're my girlfriend you'll only receive worship from me." He kissed her head and Raven smiled. She could get used to this, a feeling of warmth overtook her and she relaxed more into him. "The sex was pretty good too, for a first timer." He concluded.

Raven sat up, clutching the sheet to her body. "Too much worship now." She mumbled.

Beast Boy pulled her into a kiss, it deepened and more clutter in her room began to cascade off the bookshelves. Raven detached herself and looked around, the room was in shambles. "Damnit." She whispered.

Beast Boy patted her back. "I'll help you clean it up." He said happily.

Raven rolled her eyes and wrapped her body in the sheet; she got up from the bed and tried to find her way to her closet. "What are we going to tell everyone?" Raven asked as she picked out her uniform for the day.

Beast Boy watched her in awe, still amazed that he became the luckiest guy in the world. He smiled at her backside while she snatched her leotard off a hangar. "We can tell them we're dating, if you want." He responded happily.

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