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It was an ideal day in Jump City. The sun shone, and cumulous clouds distributed themselves evenly over the clear blue sky. It was the kind of day where Starfire would beg the Titans for a day on the town, and Raven would agree. The five teenage superheros were strolling (or flying) to the pizza parlor when a buzz on their communicators signaled it was time to go to work.

The Titans had ranked this villain as a light threat. Killer Moth escaped from jail and released a fresh army of small mutant moths. He was fairly unintelligent and insignificant in strength; a giant bug, really. She wasn't worried.

Cyborg blasted the millions of moths. His blue sonic canon, filled with a reverse biochemical formula, turned the flying nuisances into mini maggots once more. Robin and Beast Boy were double teaming on Killer Moth. Since the girls were the only two who could fly (in human form), Starfire and Raven had a large net and were capturing the arguably cute creatures.

Raven was helping Starfire round up the moths, but her mind was elsewhere. Honestly, Raven had just been zoning out. The team could take Killer Moth easy. Heck, she probably could've ridden the city of the overgrown bug with a flick of her wrist. She hadn't been thinking about anything in particular, only enjoying this light combat on a beautiful day.

Mindlessly, Raven cast her black magic over the swarm of baby moths, and they instantly disintegrated. The dark sorceress blinked; the vision was hazy from the myriad of microscopic insects, and she was already slightly dazed. She didn't notice Killer Moth's whip swing her way.

He cracked the whip at her, managing to slash her side. Milliseconds later, Beast Boy's tiger form ripped Killer Moth from the sky. Killer Moth fell backward into Cyborg, where the half metal man ripped off the villain's wings. Starfire was still rounding up mutant moths while Robin was on the phone with the police. No one noticed Raven curled over on the hard cement, pressing her hand to her side. The gash was bleeding mercilessly. She could heal it easily, if it weren't for the unusual burning sensation. Blood was beginning to pool, and she panicked. The Titans were finishing up at the scene. Quickly, she teleported herself to the Tower before she was too weak to travel.

She founded herself on the floor of the Titans' living room. Ripping away the surrounding fabric, she now took the time to inspect her wound. It was of medium depth, nothing too serious. But as she looked more closely, she saw why it felt so strange. A milky white substance was mixing with her blood. The white venom was draining her energy, and the area around the open skin was turning purple. Her powers alone could not heal her. She needed advanced attention, fast. She decided to lay on her side, and wait for her teammates to get home. A foolish idea, but her brain couldn't seem to formulate a better one.. Soon, sleep took over.

"Raven." Robin prodded her shoulder. Raven's violet eyes slowly opened. Her hand was subconsciously pressed to her injury and she woke to worried heads looming over her. She sat up, momentarily forgetting her situation, only to collapse again. She winced and Robin's mask narrowed.

"What happened?" Her leader questioned. Raven bit her lip and slowly removed her hand. Gasps rung out from Starfire and Cyborg as they viewed her wound. The mistress of magic frowned. She knew it looked bad, but it wasn't too awful. Then she looked down.

Her injuring was festering and the milky white substance was replacing her blood. The skin around the gash was definitely black now. "Killer Moth's venomous whip." Robin concluded. Raven snarled as if to say, 'obviously.' Robin ignored her. "Cyborg, take her to the medical bay." Their leader commanded, and the metal man began to cup her body.

A black bit of magic attacked her metallic friend. Raven gasped quiet. "I'm sorry." She tried to steady her voice, trying to convince everyone, including herself, that it wasn't that serious. But truthfully, the wound was starting to really burn. "I don't um.. I don't think I can move." She didn't want to admit she was in insane pain.

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