Buddies (18+)

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Fuck buddies.

That's all they were.

Friends with benefits, booty call, late night sex. No matter which way it was sliced it all ended up the same. A fling.

And Beast Boy had made the biggest mistake of his life believing they could be anything more.

She always came to him in the dead of night, when the others were asleep. His Felix clock would click over to midnight and with a swirl of power she would be there.

The first time she had appeared she startled the hell out of him. He'd woken from a deep sleep to find her completely naked and crawling onto the bed, whispering in that sensual voice that she wanted him badly. She couldn't deny her need for him any longer. And he could never deny her.

That night had been one of the best nights of his life.

And in the morning, nothing had changed between them.

He still played his games, pulled his pranks, she still meditated and drank her tea and hit him with her sarcastic comments. And funnily enough, at the time he didn't mind so much.

But as time wore on, as the last night visits increased from once a month, to weekly, and eventually to nightly, he couldn't deny his growing attachment to her.

He'd thought she'd felt the same way.

He'd believed that when she snuggled into his side after, her delicate hands stroking his chest, her leg twined in between his, that she was admitting her attachment to him too. It didn't matter that she disappeared when the sun rose, that she couldn't admit it outside the room. The only thing that mattered was that she felt it at least, and felt it for him.

He'd never ask her to express it. She wasn't like that and if she ever did, he knew he would have died in shock. But a growing part of him needed some sort of acknowledgment of their relationship. A small sign that she belong to him and he to her. And he wantedher to know how he felt.

He'd thought he'd had it under control. Thought he'd reined himself in, kept his emotions quiet so as to not disturb the fragile balance they'd constructed.

And then it happened.

He pushed her up against the wall, ramming harder into her tight passage. Her fingers were digging into his back, her knees tight on his hips, her head thrown back in pleasure. One hand clawed at the wall, the other kneaded her butt, desperately seeking release.

She moaned and gasped in pleasure as he nestled his head into the dip of her neck, licking the salty sweat from her skin. Her nails raked his back and he hissed in rapture and pain. Grunting, he increased the strength of his thrusts, desperate to push her over the edge, to have her moans turn to hisses and shrieks of pleasure.

He didn't need to work for long.

She threw her head back, her body clamping around him unbelievably hard, a shrill call of climax escaping her throat. With a grunt, he followed her, allowed the shuddering of her passage to push him over the edge.

Panting now, he stilled their movement and said those words that would damn him. "Oh Raven, I love you."

He hadn't expected the sharp intake of breath after he'd told her he loved her. Hadn't expected her wonderful violet eyes to fill with fear. Hadn't expected her to push him away so hard he fell. Hadn't expected her to disappear while he lay flat on his back, completely naked, staring up at her.

That's how he knew it was just about the sex.

It was never about love between them, just release.

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