Paper of Plastic.. honey?

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Beast Boy hurried along the straight pathway, throwing quick glances down each aisle he passed. One gloved hand clutched a large box and the other held an oddly shaped bottle. The Titans may have been infamous heroes and crime fighters, but they still needed to go to the local supermarket to restock the tower.

Next, the teen took an abrupt left down aisle eight and traveled toward a familiar cloaked girl who was placing items in their cart. Robin was making everyone do chores since Jump City had been void of wrongdoings over the past couple weeks, and when the Boy Blunder went without fighting, he was like a drug addict suddenly going cold turkey. He would do anything and everything to keep himself and the rest of the team busy.

That meant sending Raven and Beast Boy on a shopping trip together. Consuming crusty, goo-covered food wasn't healthy for a group of growing adolescents, especially those Tamaranean dishes Starfire tried to cook… but what they really needed was to refill their fridge with fresh foods.

As Beast Boy approached Raven, he held up the bottle he was carrying and bellowed proudly, "Honey, I'm home!"

His teammate wasn't impressed. But when was she ever?

"We're almost out and I know you like it on your toast so…" The green male tossed the container of honey into the cart. It was true; Raven was a fan of the sticky liquid. She used it every breakfast and even occasionally in her tea.

"Thanks," she replied simply, her eyes already ignoring him in favor of the grocery list.

Beast Boy turned his attention to the stocked shelves surrounding him while the empath checked items off the list. Mmm… popcorn, chips, cookies… the shape-shifter realized the team was in dire need of a movie night, but doubted it would happen any time soon if Robin kept that staff of his shoved up his butt.


"…Huh?' Green eyes blinked dumbly.

"I said, what is that?" Raven retorted, more edge to her voice from having to repeat herself.

It took a minute for him to comprehend what in theworld she was talking about, until he remembered that he was still holding the box. He glimpsed down. "Uh…cereal?"

A grey hand stretched out wordlessly. He handed it over to her, and she looked slightly puzzled as she stated, "You hate this kind."

"Yeah, but Star loves it." His smile was almost sheepish, as if he felt guilt for picking out a breakfast that he wouldn't end up eating. Dark eyes studied the changeling for a moment before the box was thrust into his chest.

Whilst the beloved joke teller struggled to keep a grip on the cereal, his companion's impassive face fell into a frown. "Not happening."

"What? Why not?" He knew Raven wasn't against buying things their friends liked- they had already gotten a package of Nutter Butters for Cyborg and at least four boxes of soft pretzels for Robin. They all had specific snacks and meals they enjoyed, and whoever went shopping was trusted to buy these things for the rest of the team.

The empath replied, "We're not buying the family size box just because Starfire likes it. Go get her a smaller one."

"It's not like she couldn't eat it all. She said she hasnine stomachs!" Beast Boy's exclamation was immediately put to rest when Raven shot him a look that told him she wasn't going to argue over something so stupid. He put his hands up in defeat. "Okay, you're right, I'll go put them back."

As he began his journey to the cereal aisle once more, he was stopped in his tracks by a wave of black energy. Involuntarily, he was spun around so he faced his friend once again. She held up a package and asked, "Are these the tofu dogs you like?"

At the sight of the delicious non-meaty substance, Beast Boy's face lit up. "Yeah, thanks!"

"No problem." The energy disappeared as quickly as it came. A hand waved him in dismissal. "You can go now."

"Wait! Where are you going to be?" He had endless amounts of enthusiasm and exuberance, yet he still didn't enjoy running laps around the store trying to find his friend.

Raven paused for a split second before she spoke an answer. "The meat counter."


Obviously, that was the most unpleasant spot in the store for he green teen. There it was- grounded up mounds of red raw meat, right on display for him to see and feel ill from. Fighting Plasmus was nasty, but the sight of that much raw meat was eight thousandtimes more sickening.

Sensing and seeing Beast Boy's discomfort, Raven said, "Meet me by the produce in a few minutes."

That was a magic word. Produce. Produce meant fruits, veggies, and heaven. He didn't even have to get within a hundred feet of the doomful meat counter.

The changeling brightened considerably. In fact, he was close to beaming went he scampered off to replace the box of cereal with a smaller size, but not before calling out, "Sweet! Thanks, honey!"

Raven sighed and didn't even try to hold back an eye roll.

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