When it falls apart 3

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She couldn't help but be joyful. She knew Raven, her almost sister and team mate, was far from overjoyed but Kori decided she'd just be joyful enough for the both of them. It was her way.

She'd been so scared. When Raven had come to tell Kori of her pregnancy she'd been so scared. And Raven did not do scared. But Kori could plainly see her worry, see her fear. It showed in the way she kept grasping at her cloak, as if she could just disappear into its folds. It showed in the way she kept wringing her hands together, She was terrified and Kori could see it.

Kori was aware that the ways of Earth and especially America were very different from her own home. On her planet it was normal for a girl to be joined and beginning a family by her fourteenth year. Her people, for her still un-joined status, considered Kori herself an anomaly. But she knew that in the world she resided now most young women were not overjoyed to be starting a family.

She knew Raven and her fears. She knew Raven had little to no experience with children; other than that brief babysitting job with Melvin, Timmy and Teether. Kori knew that while her time with her parents had been short, Raven's own time with Arella had been significantly shorter. She knew nothing about being a mother and nothing about raising a child. She needed help.

Which is why, when Raven voiced her need to get out of the Tower, Kori took her shopping. It had been the first place she could think of to escape to. Besides it was where Kori thought her best thoughts and where she went to collect herself when she was falling apart. She knew it would be a welcome change for her homebound friend.

So they shopped. And in between Kori insisting that Raven let her buy clothes for her changing body, Kori talked. She told Raven all the joyous information she'd learned about births from the Discovery channel and from her own people. She did leave out the complex birthing songs though; she'd share those later. She shared what little she knew about motherhood and raising a child. She told Raven that Garfield would be back. That there was no way he would abandon her or his child. That he was just scared and like her unsure of what the future would bring. But he would be back. She tried to lay to rest Raven's fears of how the rest of the team would react, assured her that no one would think less of her; although she knew that Dick would be unbearable for days and would probably not speak to either of them for a little while.

Most importantly of all Kori didn't judge her friend. Not once during the whole day did Kori try and lecture her 'sister' about her being pregnant. Not once did she try and tell her that she should've waited to engage in sex or that she should've been more stringent in her contraceptive usage. Not once did she mention disappointment with Raven, Gar and the choices they'd made. Such thoughts never even crossed her mind. Kori knew that life did not always follow the course we set before it. Knew that sometimes things occurred that were beyond our control. This baby was one of those things. She understood that and she would help her friend understand that as well.

Kori also understood Raven's fears about having this child. Motherhood was a daunting task and childbirth frightening. Throw in a child with superpowers and it could seem damn near impossible. But unlike Raven, Kori refused to dwell on the negative pieces of the puzzle. Yes the child could have Raven's powers. But how adorable would the two of them look, dressed alike and flying side by side? And unlike Raven this child would have someone to guide him or her to a better, less lonesome path of harnessing his or her abilities. Raven would be the one teaching this child that controlling his or her powers do not mean he or she has to stop living life. Besides she knew Raven would not want any child to have to feel the loneliness and abandonment she herself had felt. Kori also pointed out that the child could develop Garfield's abilities and be able to change his or her genetic make-up at will. Or the child could even end up completely human, since he or she would have one fully human and one half human parent. There were so many things that were still to be discovered, and worrying about them now would do no one any good.

As they arrived back at the Tower, Kori told Raven the most important thing she had to say. She would stand by her. No matter what the rest of the team said or did, she would not abandon her. She was her friend no matter what path her life took her down. Even more importantly they were family and family did not abandon each other. And she would support her and all her decisions regarding this baby; although Kori already knew that despite some serious thinking on the matter, Raven would not be aborting her baby. Raven had told Kori about how she had considered the idea at first but after some serious thinking decided that it was just not for her.

Watching her friend Kori knew that Raven would be able to handle this. Already Kori had caught her stroking her slightly rounded belly and softly humming lullabies to the child growing within her. And she wouldn't be alone. Kori would be there with her. No matter what and come what may.

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