Because I want to love you

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The sun fell, casting a dim glow upon the lake. A lone figure sat, looking out the window, watching whatever light that remained disappear. Raven had no idea how long she had been sitting there, nor did she care. Her chest ached, and her throat was raw from crying, tears incessantly rolling down her pale face.

' Why me?', she thought silently. ' Why did it have to be me?'

An image of Malchior flashed in her mind and more tears came. She closed her eyes tight and lowered her head into her hands, sobs racking her small frame.

She never would have imagined, in a million years, that it would hurt this much. She had opened up to him, she had laughed for him, cried in front of him, something she wouldn't have done for anyone else. She had trusted him with her heart...loved him...and he threw it back in her face without so much as a second thought.

She had given herself to him, and he tossed her aside.

She wanted to die. She wanted this pain to end. How could she have been so foolish as to believe that someone actually loved her? The cold, unfeeling, half-demon sorceress who didn't give a damn about anyone. The thought almost made her laugh out loud. Almost. Not one of them would miss her...not one. Her emotions were dangerous, so she couldn't show them. I mean, let's face it, who would want an emotionless demon as their friend? They weren't kidding anybody, especially not her.

Raven stood up and slowly crossed the room, to an old, dusty desk that was hardly ever used. Opening the top drawer, she spotted a small switchblade hidden in the shadows. She picked it up and walked back to sit at the window. The blade was slightly rusted, but sharp. Raven rolled up the sleeve of her leotard and began to drag it across her skin.

She made the first incision, holding back a cry of pain.

" This one's for you Malchior...and all the damage you caused...", tears fell and mingled with her blood.

Time seemed to pass slower than usual, each cut more painful than the last. The metallic scent of blood wafted to her nose, causing the bile to rise in her throat. This was it. She could finally die in peace.

The moon glared mockingly at her as it's rays passed through her window. It was so beautiful and so cold and distant at the same time.

" Almost like me..."

Raven raised the knife to her neck, a smile lit her face. Just as she was about to cut, a soft knock was heard at the door. The knife fell out of her hand, and landed in the puddle of blood beneath her. Half-panicked, she quickly rolled down her leotard sleeve, pain shooting through her arm as she did so.

" W-Who is it?", she asked, trying to sound annoyed.

" It's me...", Beast Boy. " What's going on in there?"

" What do you mean?" Raven grabbed the knife and hid it in her boot.

Faster than she could see, the door opened and closed softly, and there stood Beast Boy, staring at her through the darkness.

" What're you-"

" Raven, what the hell is going on?" he swallowed hard, " I...I smell blood."

Her eyes widened considerably.

" I smelled it all the way down the hall." his voice was soft

" How...I did you...I...", she glared at him," I don't know what you're talking about."

" I think you do..." he crossed the room slowly

" Stay away from me!" she kept her voice at a low hiss.

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