The one eye bandit

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The four Titans were already seated around the table that had served as their dining room for over 6 years. They were young adults now and had changed somewhat since the day their team was born on the streets of Jump City, the day Starfire literally fell out of the sky, escaping from her Gordanian captors.

Cyborg's tech was the latest and greatest from STAR Labs. He no longer needed to recharge batteries as he now had a small Xenothium power reactor in his chest that only required refueling once every ten years. Other than a scar on the human half of his face, courtesy of a past encounter with Slade, he looked no different than in the past and he was a jovial as ever.

Starfire had matured noticeably; she was now over six feet tall and had developed a figure that was both muscular and sensuous, which her fiancé, Nightwing, approved of most enthusiastically. What he did not care for was her new attire, which was extremely revealing. He frequently asked her to switch back to her old costume, which she refused, explaining repeatedly that it was something a teen would wear and that now she was a grown woman. She just didn't understand the hang ups humans had with their bodies.

Beast Boy was sitting next to the princess. His adult face was now more angular; one might even say that it looked chiseled. He had grown a bit and was no longer the shortest member of the team as that honor now belonged to tiny Raven. He was still the shortest male on the team, an "honor" which he didn't seem to mind. His figure was also more mature. While he lacked Nightwing's muscular bulk he had a very lean and muscular physique and could no longer be described as "ropey". One thing that had not changed was his propensity to pester Raven

Raven sat next to him with her nose in yet another book, ignoring his efforts to get her attention while sipping on a cup of herbal tea. Her figure was a bit curvier than when she was younger but what really stood out was that her outfit was now white and she no longer wore her violet hair in what was once her signature A-line and now wore it shoulder length.

"So does anyone know who the surprise candidate is?" Cyborg asked no one in particular.

The team had decided just a month before that they would be adding a new permanent member to the team's roster as requested by the Justice League. The intent was not to recruit one of current honorary Titans, but rather someone who showed great potential and who would benefit from having mentors. Raven was the only dissenter, saying that she thought the team was just fine the way it was and that she really wasn't interested in training some green behind the ears rookie. Still, she was a good sport and after the vote was taken she agreed to participate in the process of selecting the "candidate".

"Why didn't you just ask Nightwing?" Raven replied without looking up from her book. "Personally, I think we should have been given a dossier on the candidate."

"Nightwing said that he believed doing it this way, with the surprise would be best." Starfire added.

"Whoever it is, I hope it's a girl … a really hot girl." Beast Boy beamed.

"Dream on, grass stain." Cyborg chortled.

"What's that supposed to mean, are you saying that if she's hot she won't like me?"

"I believe that's exactly what Cyborg meant." Raven droned, still not looking up from her book.

The changeling crossed his arms and frowned.

"Terra liked me, she liked me a lot."

"I wouldn't brag about that, Beast Boy."

Cyborg laughed.

"Raven's got you there B."

As Cyborg continued to laugh the sliding doors opened. Nightwing, who was as now tall as Starfire, entered the common room followed by a tall, muscular and very well shaped woman. Her costume was form fitting, looking as if had been sprayed on her as it highlighted her feminine qualities. On her arms, legs and on her sides it appeared to have scales on it and it was blue in color. She wore some oversized yellow boots and had two swords in sheaths on her back. A blue and yellow cowl hung behind her head. Her hair was an unusual white color, not gray but white as snow. But above all these features one stood out the most: she wore a patch over her left eye.

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