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Hey my peanut butter cookies! I have been into EXO for a while now and they've sorta become my new favourite boy group hehe. Anyways, I wanted to try out an idea so here it is! Please tell me what you guys think and if you have any suggestions or questions, then don't hesitate to comment - I will listen to your suggestions and/or correct anything that you may have an issue with. May I present to you . . . The Pitch.

Everything in life was normal, there were the occasional fan meetings, concerts, interviews. Then there were the dance practices and vocal sessions. Of course you cannot forget the few instances with obsessive fans. However, overall, life was good. But, like the saying goes, 'all good things must come to an end'. And this is where things go downhill. On the 10th of November, at exactly 11:14pm, there was a strange ominous feeling that hung over the heads of all members, a tension that shrouded the room so thickly, that it felt as though you could cut it with a knife. They simply shrugged it off, put it into the back of their minds but nothing could prepare them for what was about to occur, this feeling that they felt on that day, is to cling onto them in their every waking moment. All members leave their humid practice room and return home, to their warm dorm. A feeling of security washes over them, engulfing them in the familiar scent of vanilla and cinnamon scented candles placed on the coffee table in the living room. Then from the kitchen, there's the beloved scent of ground down coffee beans, the whir of the machine as it boils the water so that the steam rises and swirls in white wispy clouds, only to vanish seconds later. They have worked hard, the sound of tired sighing and bags being carelessly thrown into the corner of the closet can be heard. Footsteps trail upstairs to the bathrooms, while others stroll into the living room, waiting for the others to finish showering. It certainly is odd what happens next. Without warning, the television switches itself off, every light in the house blinks before closing its eyes and the running water halts. All is silent before a loud voice pierces the loud darkness and whining from a certain small male can be heard.
"Very funny! Who turned off the lights and the water?! I'm freezing!" Of course it is none other than Jongdae, everyone's favourite dinosaur. An exasperated sigh leaves the mouth of Junmyeon before he rises to his feet and holds out his hands, feeling for the way to the kitchen.

He rummages in the battery drawer before his right hand clasps around a small, lightweight object with a small switch. He flicks it on only to find out that it of course, doesn't work. He rolls his eyes and begins once again feeling around in the drawer until he finds two small batteries. Junmyeon sighs about the torch not working and so decides to give it to Jongdae . The small metal key jingles as the taller man hums a soft, low tune, before jabbing the key into the keyhole. An expression of confusion appears on both men's faces. Everything looked alright to them, all of the knobs that were supposed to be turned on were. They have no clue as to why their power went out. Then, a lightbulb dings in Jongdae's head.
"Junmyeon, maybe it's a power outage. One of the lines probably became disconnected - it was windy earlier today." He explains.
"That probably explains it. The council will most likely send somebody out tomorrow to fix it." And with that, the two head back inside. Well, almost. They hear giggling from behind the front door.
"Chanyeol! Baekhyun! Open the door!" Junmyeon whisper shouts, not wanting to wake the neighbors.
"No can do, the door is powered by-by-" Baekhyun can't even finish his sentence due to laughing so hard. So Chanyeol finishes it for him.
"Electricity!" There is an explosion of laughter and fists pound on the door due to the humour of the situation. Then another voice joins.
"Move outta the way you two. It must be freezing outside."
"Don't let him open the door, Chan! He's gonna let them back in!" Baekhyun's mischievous laugh breaks the silence again before Jongdae decides to speak.
"Either you guys open the door, or I will whoop your asses when I break back in." Suddenly, the door unlocks to show Chanyeol holding back Kyungsoo and Baekhyun laughing with Sehun. The two frozen members step inside and Chanyeol and Baekhyun make a run for it.
"Was anything wrong with the power box?" Sehun asks. Jongdae shakes his head.
"Its going to be cold tonight because there is no heating, running water or electricity. So we can all sleep in the living room until the electricity is fixed." Kyungsoo nods his head and Sehun runs up the stairs blindly to fetch his duvets and pillows. Minseok steps out of the living room to also collect his things.

It's now 12:56am and the boys are huddled together in the cold living room, many of them wearing an extra hoodie and pair of socks.
"What is our schedule for tomorrow?" Asks Jongin, while resting his head against Sehun's shoulder.
"I think that we're just to practice again. From nine until two it is dance practice and from four until six it is our vocal session. We have the rest of the evening off." Minseok explains.
"It's really cold." Jongdae whines softly to himself and snuggles deeper into his duvet, wrapping himself up for extra warmth.
"What if they don't fix the electricity tomorrow?" Chanyeol asks before yawning and rubbing his tired eyes.
"Then, well, we'll just have to make do with what we have." Yixing explains before sighing and rolling over onto his side.
"How will we set an alarm?" Baekhyun suddenly asks. The boys hum for a moment in thought before Junmyeon thinks of an answer.
"I'm not sure. Our ride will wake us up, I guess. It's not like we're going anywhere important, so it's ok. It won't matter much." They all say a quick goodnight to each other before falling asleep.

Word Count- 1092

Hope that you enjoyed the introduction and I'm sorry that this first chapter was boring, however, I didn't want to add much of the storyline in yet because it's gonna get exciting! Love you guys 🍪❤️

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