Chapter 24 (Final)

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Mingyu manages to cut out a hole in the bars, large enough for him to fit through. The melted bars drop onto the floor as they are cut, and Minseok cries because he is so happy to be escaping. His tears slide down his cheeks as he hugs Mingyu, who is desperately trying to melt the chains that bind the smaller to the wall. Jongin and the three girls watch anxiously as white ribbons wrap around Minseok's chains, the zinc turning white hot and melting into a small puddle on the floor. The cuffs are still attached to Minseok's wrists, but he clenches his fists to fix that problem. Ice spreads in patterned swirls across the metal, and clouds of frost drift across the zinc. Then, he lifts his wrists and slams them against the wall, the frozen cuffs shattering like frosted glass. It is only due to Minseok's ice that he himself isn't affected by Mingyu's ribbon. Then, the running begins once again.

Once everybody has been saved, they work on escaping from the lab all together. To say that this part is surprisingly easy is an understatement. Every single living person has vanished, leaving them all baffled.
"What the actual fuck?!" Junmyeon exclaims, hand over his mouth in shock. They venture into the empty hallways and deserted rooms and quite literally walk out of the front door.
"I have a bad feeling about this." Jongin declares, back hugging Kyungsoo. The streets are deserted save for a few people who stand completely still, unblinking.
"What kind of horror movie shit is this?" Chanyeol mumbles, looking into the eyes of one of the men who stand completely still, chest unmoving, eyes unblinking and arm protecting his face as if something was going to hit him. His eyes are wide in fear, his mouth open in a silenced scream. Jongdae shudders as they continue walking. Mingyu jolts a little.

Jingsu holds Sehun's hand in her smaller one, head resting just beneath his shoulder as they walk. Her breath spirals into the cold air and she shivers a little. Sehun stops and pulls her to the side, opening his backpack. He pulls out his other jacket and gently helps her into it, zipping it all the way up but pulling her hair out of the way first. She smiles at him and he cups her face gently before leaning in, the two meeting in a sweet kiss. She giggles as he turns bright red, but then grabs him in a tight embrace.
"I'm glad that you saved me. I was lonely before I met you." She whispers softly, staring directly into his eyes.
"I was too. Meeting you was...magical. And I know and even knew then that you are the person I want to spend everyday of my life with." He smiles, resting his head on her shoulder. She kisses his cheek and the two continue, hand in hand while following the others.

Jongdae slows down when he sees Yoonsun struggling and holds off for a few moments, Junmyeon smiling knowingly. Jongdae squats down in front of Yoonsun, looking over his shoulder and laughing at her confused face.
"What are you doing?" She asks, confused. He smiles, not giving her an answer but tilts his head to the side. She sighs, moving slowly over to him.
"Get on, silly!" He teases, and she slowly clambers onto his back, arms wrapped loosely around his neck. She screams in delight when he stands up tall and begins to jog to catch up with the others. Mingyu jolts. All troubles are washed away as the others all laugh and cheer, their stresses forgotten. A sudden bang rings through the air and Sunli falls to the ground, a bullet hole going straight through the side of her temple. Junmyeon reaches out to grasp her, blood running down the side of her face. Her eyes are half closed, mouth slightly parted and limbs limp. He sobs, clutching her body as the others grab onto him.
"We need to fucking go!" Minseok shouts, eyes teary as well as Junmyeon gently places her down onto the ground before running. No more gunshots follow, the only sound being the slight breeze and the sounds of panting and running footsteps.

A few months later they are huddled around Chanyeol's fire, deep in a conversation.
"How did this entire thing start? We were idols, we had worked basically all of our lives for what we had. And then, when we were doing so well all of it crumbled. What caused this? How does something like this just...happen?" Jongin asks.
"I don't know. But for one thing, it isn't natural. Something made this. But what? We don't know." Kyungsoo answers, sighing as he looks up into the sky. Minseok sighs, leaning into Junmyeon.

Hey guys! This was the final to this book but if you'd like, I will do a sequel about what is behind the pitch and what caused it. I already have the plot line ready lol. I'm so sorry for having such a long hiatus but I had really bad writers block with this book and had no idea how to end it. I'm not satisfied with this chapter and I apologise for the missing details about the group's escape. If any of you have any suggestions on how to make this chapter better, then please don't be scared to leave them. If I use any of your suggestions, I will make sure  to credit you. Thank you so much for sticking with this book and I hope that you enjoyed it. I love you all! 🍪💕

Date: Sunday 25th November 2018

Word Count: 946

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