Chapter 8

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Junmyeon's heart beats against his chest, as if wielding hammers which are attempting to break his rib cage to allow his heart to escape. Hesitantly, he lifts a fist and knocks on the white painted door. He sees Jongin bolt from his seat on the floor next to Jongdae and runs to answer the door. The door is swung open and there is a smile on Jongin's face - however as soon as the door opens it is wiped away.
"Where's-where's Kyung?" He asks, the tone of disappointment as clear as a bell in his voice. Junmyeon feels the guilt begin to settle in his stomach as he looks away from the younger's pained gaze.
"I- well, we went to the clinic, and as a precaution they are holding him in quarantine. It's only-" He sighs as he gets cut off, expectantly.
"Quarantine!? What will they do?!" Jongin asks, eyes wide and lip mere moments away from quivering.
"Just a few check ups. Plus, it's only temporary. Until he starts showing more symptoms, they said that it could just be the flu. That and also due to sniffling so much he more than likely just burst a blood vessel in his nose, causing it to bleed."
"So, it's my fault." Jongin's eyes begin to tear and he instantly looks down in shame.
"What- no. No, it isn't. You were worried, and so you did the right thing in telling us. And if he does have the disease, then-" He is cut off once again.
"Then he could- no will die. Did you know, that there's been no survivors so far? More than thirty people are infected and being held in quarantine, and of the twelve that were taken in two weeks ago, they are dead. He will die too, Jun. What do we do?" The tears won't stop flowing now, and it's as if a raging torrent of water is washing down his face with every tear. Junmyeon embraces him before stepping inside of the house.

"We are allowed to visit him, we just aren't allowed to be with him." Junmyeon explains, earning a few confused stares.
"What does that mean?" Baekhyun asks, playing with his fingernails.
"It basically means that we are allowed to see and speak to him, but we aren't allowed to be in the same room or have any physical contact. One of the electricity guards will help us to communicate via the old intercom system."
"Oh. But when we leave, won't he get lonely?" Yixing asks, concerned. Junmyeon considers this and nods slowly, softly biting his bottom lip.
"Oh yeah, on another note. I've found my power. I know that now isn't a great time especially since there's all this stuff going on with Kyung, but I don't know when the 'right time' would be to tell you guys." He pauses for a brief moment to see if the others agree with what he says. Minseok nods in encouragement. He takes a deep breath before calmly exhaling. He lifts his right arm and turns his hand over, so that the palm is facing the ceiling. A swirling mist forms, before condensing in the space slightly above his palm, where a small ball of water now swirls as it picks up the moisture in the air. It grows larger quickly. His eyes watch as the baseball sized sphere hovers in front of him, his arm now at his side. With his mind, he gently pushes it away from himself, so that it floats into the centre of the living room, with sixteen eyes watching; two in concentration, the other fourteen in wonder and awe. The ball disperses into ribbons of clear liquid, and seem to dance in a small vortex before coming together again to create a unicorn. It stands on its hind legs, while throwing its head back to silently whinny. Junmyeon closes his eyes and hears the splashing of water as it hits the floor and seeps into the cracks between the hardwood floor.
"That was really cool." Yixing mutters, jaw still open in disbelief. Chanyeol is much the same, but Jongdae teases him and tells him to 'stop trying to catch flies' to which Chanyeol replies with a slap up the back of the head, followed by a whine from the dinosaur.
"We should've done this outside." Minseok grumbles slightly, walking to the kitchen to grab a towel. Junmyeon chuckles.
"That was so cool, Myeon! I wonder what my power'll be." Jongin goes into deep thought, before reality rains down on him, momentarily drowning him until he is pulled to the surface by Sehun.
"What were you gonna say?" Sehun asks him, noticing that the older had opened and closed his mouth a couple times over.
"Can we visit Soo tomorrow?" He asks.
"Sure." Junmyeon agrees and ruffles his hair. "But we'll need to also collect our rations tomorrow too, so we can split into two groups. That way, we don't overwhelm him and we all get to talk to him at some point. We all know that if all eight of us go together, then we'll just end up speaking over each other."
Jongin and Sehun nod in agreement. The boys go for a few rounds of Mario kart, Jongdae having to touch the wall socket in order to keep the game running in between turns. They all play, shouting, screaming and chanting going on as if a massacre had occurred when in reality, Yixing beat Baekhyun in a race.

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