Chapter 22

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Jongdae is woken early, and dragged out of his cell. He stutters and whimpers in fear, the metal cuffs he is being dragged by dig into his wrists as his legs stumble and shake in anxiety. His heart thuds loudly in his ears, breaths shaky and lip trembling. In his state, he feels as if he is dreaming- this can't possibly be happening to him, the once famous 'Chen' who was part of the infamous group, EXO. He feels almost as if he is floating, viewing his surroundings not through his own body, but as a passerby, a viewer, as if he is watching a movie. He doesn't have the slightest bit of control over himself and his head droops at the thought. After almost five minutes of walking through winding corridors and passing many doors and scientists, the three (he hadn't noticed until now that a second guard is with them) stop in front of a large steel door. His knees buckle but the two guards lift him back up as they drag him forcefully into the room. There are more than likely over a hundred people in here, sitting on padded seats with leather straps buckled over their ankles, shins, thighs, wrists, upper arms, stomach and upper abdomen. These people groan lowly, a collective rumble of zombie-like noise shrouding the room. Jongdae feels tears prick his eyes as he is pushed onto a seat at the far corner. The two men he came in with had to shout for help because they can barely hold him down. He kicks and flails wildly, eyes wide in complete and utter petrifaction as the tired onlookers gaze from their own seats, unable to do anything but stare. It is only then that he realises the shiny things. His teary eyes trail along the ceiling, catching a glimpse of shining copper wrapped around a beam then his eyes follow it from high up and see that it winds along the wall before he feels the bile rise up in his throat. The wire is embedded in somebody's arm, who happens to be sitting across from him. He jolts in his seat, shouting, screaming. The men look impassive and scary- it's obvious that they don't give a single shit. They roll up his wrinkled sleeve and his arm instantly tenses. The grab a metal trolley from nearby and wheel it over, one of the men pulling over a stool which screeches awfully against the floor.

Kyungsoo wakes up with a pounding headache, and he groans as he clutches at his head. His fingers tremble as he gasps. He throws the thin duvet off of his body and rushes to the bars. He is pulled violently back by something that tugs on his wrist- so hard in fact that he falls backwards onto the concrete and his wrists bleeds, stinging awfully. He hisses at the pain and slowly sits back up, inspecting the metal cuff around his right wrist. Crimson drips onto the concrete, staining what was grey, red. He crawls as far as the chain will allow, and gazes out at the empty platform in front of him. There aren't any cells across from him that are inhabited- they are all deserted. He hears a low groan in the cell beside his, so he timidly calls out.
"H-hello?" Kyungsoo's voice echoes around the empty cell, fear coating the sound. He oddly recognises the groan.
"Kyungsoo?" Sehun's voice shouts back, and the usually stoic man's face crumbles and he begins sobbing. Kyungsoo feels his heart break at the sound.
"Are you ok? We'll get out of here soon, don't worry." He says and begins trying to figure out how to get out of his chains. He stands up shakily and that's when he realises that there is food near the metal sink just opposite from the steel toilet. The thin man rushes over to the plate, gulping down the water and wolfing down the bread, bowl of rice and the slices of fruit. When his stomach is satisfied, he shuffles back over to the bed, brings his right arm over his head and slams his wrist down onto the metal bed frame.
"Holy fuck! What are you doing?!" He hears Sehun hiss, voice shaky because he got a fright.
"Wait a minute." Kyungsoo repeatedly brings his cuffed wrist down onto the bed, ignoring each time the metal pressed into his cut. After almost thirty six hits, he gives up, wrist bruised and sore and the cut reopened. Then there is the noise of shoes clicking across the concrete down on the ground floor, and both Sehun's and Kyungsoo's eyes trail downwards, trying their best to see who it is even if fear is overrunning their bodies.

The man struts along the ground floor before stopping, whipping his baton from the leather belt hung around his hips. It clicks as it extends, and the clicking of one of his heeled shoes can be heard.
"Which one of you fuckers has already tried to escape?" The man spits, beady eyes searching each of the cells. Kyungsoo shrinks away from the bars, silently crawling back towards the bed. The clunking of shoes on metal is heard as the guard travels up the metal stairs to the second level. Kyungsoo sees him eye each of the cells across from him, searching for a guilty inmate. He puts his head down, long fringe covering his eyes. He can't remember the last time he got his hair cut, but he knows that it was when the girls used to come round to their house to trim each of the boys' hair. He sighs quietly. How did they even get into this mess? Where is everybody else? Why are only he and Sehun in here? His eyes glaze over with tears, the feeling of guilt, sorrow and extreme anxiety climbing up his throat. He feels the bile begin to crawl its way up into his mouth, but he forcefully swallows it, almost making himself sick again. The awful man by this point is just passing his cell, making brief eye contact before moving on. The guard climbs back down the stairs and stands where he previously stood, baton still brandished.
"If I hear any one of you shits try and escape again, you will not get off lightly. My team and I will beat you so brutally, that you will not see the light of day after it. Instead, you will be shoved into the ground and made to stay there." The words are spoken in such a low, menacing voice that Sehun shivers. He is thankful that he at least knows where Kyungsoo is. Where the rest are, he doesn't know, but he hopes that Jingsu is alright. He decides that he will stay strong for Jingsu.

Sunli paces back and forth in the glass cell that she, Yoonsun and Jingsu were forced into. She sighs for the umpteenth time and finally slumps onto her small bed again. Yoonsun almost growls in aggravation.
"Will you cut that out?!" She whisper-shouts, pretty much hissing at the taller girl. "I know that you want out of here as much as we do, but we have no plan for now." The three of them have been stuck inside of the small glass confinements for almost a day since they weren't sedated another time after the first dosage wore off. The story is different for the boys however, since the Black Hearts are aware that they have the mystical energy that some of its members have too. A guard struts to a chair and scrapes the seat across the floor to sit in front of their enclosure. He chews on his gum loudly, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
"Well, how come you ladies are stuck in here?" He asks monotonously, smacking his gum annoyingly.
"Truck." Yoonsun answers as she glares. The man obnoxiously laughs.
"Well, well, well. Seems like you've forgotten all about me." He smirks and removes his hat, ruffling his hair.
"Mingyu!" The girls are only just able to contain their shouts, hands pressed against the glass.

Hi guys! Hope that you've enjoyed this chapter- things are going to get a little more twisted and complicated now hehe 😈 Anyways, I hope that you've all had a good day and thank you all so much for supporting this book! Love you my peanut butter cookies ❤️🍪

Date: Saturday, 15th September 2018

Word Count: 1415

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