Chapter 10

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Hey guys! We're already near the middle of this story! But don't worry, every tenth chapter will be a special chapter consisting of 4000 words to show my gratitude to you guys aka the readers. So, yeah, hope that you enjoy this chapter my peanut butter cookies! ❤️🍪

"You! Out now!" One of the guards shout, pointing their gun at Yixing. Baekhyun tries to reason with him and goes to step forward, but when the man turns round and points his gun at Baekhyun instead, he halts. Yixing will have to fend for himself. The young Chinese man carries his friend, tears streaming down his face, eyes already puffy and red. He feels as if he is suffocating, like he is drowning in his own sorrow. One of his best friends have just died and it wouldn't have happened had The Pitch not happened. His vision blurs, his head spins and he is finding difficulty catching his breath. The guards remain stoic, but they all have good hearts. One of the guards from the second row senses that the man is so distraught that he is going to faint any second and so runs forward to catch him. Yixing falls limp in the slightly taller man's arms while Kyungsoo is caught by Jongin. Chanyeol takes a look at the younger's face and has to rub his eyes. It had almost looked like the swelling had gone down. The other boys don't know about their friend's death, and so assume that he is still asleep, or at least, that is until Minseok and Junmyeon decide to check on him. Yixing is tended to by Sehun and Jongdae, both running with a few of the guards to fetch a basin and a cloth. Junmyeon fills the basin as quickly as he is able to and with precision, not spilling a single drop of the transparent substance. Minseok clasps one of his hands over the other and rests them on Kyungsoo's sternum bone, pushes down approximately an inch before repeating the short, sharp compressions. The others watch anxiously, biting their lips or fingernails, picking the threads on their jeans, tapping their shoes on the marble floor or continuously running their hands through their hair. The compressions continue, Minseok's pants of effort can soon be heard but just slightly over their own trembling heartbeats. The compressions slow as the oldest begins to get tired and doubtful. However, Baekhyun takes over, tears in his eyes as he begins to softly plead for the life of his friend. He repeats the same steps Minseok did previously, and with help from the adrenaline raging around his body did almost twenty-five before getting tired and began slowing. On his twenty-eight, there is a loud gasp and the smaller moves from beneath his hands, sucking in air shakily as the others exhale noisily in relief. Yixing oddly begins to stir too and there is a light smile on his face when he sees his friend awake.
"How did you-?" The guard trails off, looking at the group of friends incredulously. Chanyeol shrugs, wiping away his tears and standing to the front.
"What can I say? We are like the Incredibles." He earns nothing but a punch in the arm from Junmyeon, who soon breaks down with happy tears. Yixing makes his way over to his battered friend, placing a hand on his cool forehead to reduce the swelling in his face and to cure him of the disease. A few minutes later, his face is almost completely back to normal minus the dark eye bags and the dried blood stuck to his skin.
"Here. You need this more than I do." Yixing smiles, handing the younger the wet washcloth.
"Thanks." He says back. "Not just for the washcloth, but for saving me too. And you guys." He adds, turning to thank Minseok and Baekhyun for their efforts.

Everything is back to normal - they all have their friend back who is almost good as new, they are no longer arguing between each other and nobody is injured, physically. However, when they try to sleep that night, Junmyeon tosses and turns, kicking his feet and groaning softly in fear. Jongdae rubs his face before grabbing his flashlight, making sure that only restricted energy flows to the battery to keep it a soft glow so as to not sting his eyes.
"Jun? Jun. Jun!" He calls on his friend, shaking him to wake him up from his restless sleep. Junmyeon sighs heavily and swipes a hand over his face.
"You alright, man?" Jongdae asks, concerned about his older friend's mental health.
"Ah, yeah. I'm fine. Thanks though." Junmyeon replies, a tired yawn leaving his mouth. Jongdae cocks his head to the side disbelieving his friend.
"No, you aren't. Spill." Jongdae has a strong personality, but also a very caring one. He enjoys looking after his friends as much as the next person does.
"Fine.' Junmyeon groans.'It's about the other day. I-I got stabbed and I can't stop thinking about it. The man who attacked me, I can't get his face out of my head. His eyes are all I can see, and now he is even haunting me in my dreams." His eyes glaze with tears and it hurts Jongdae to see his friend cry.
"It's alright, Myeon. We will all protect you. You have nothing to worry about, alright?" Jongdae leans against his friend, placing an arm around his shoulders. He pulls him closer to his side and listens as his friend chokes back sobs, his heart seemingly tearing in two at the melancholic sounds.
"What if we can't protect each other? What if they all come after us, Dae? Then what?" He asks, voice shaking and lip quivering.
"Then we give them a battle worth fighting for. We kick their asses! We are all here for you, Myeon, don't you see!? We are EXO, we are one! We are still one. Believe me when I say that we are here for you, ok?" Junmyeon giggles at his friend's sudden outburst.
"Ok. Thanks, Dae." The two of them head off to sleep on the single bed, slightly squished, but warm and cozy.

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