The Sequel Has arrived!

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Hi guys, I hope that you are all having a nice day and I wish you the best of luck for your exams/exam results. I am back after a long (extremely long) hiatus and I wish to apologise to each and every one of you that have been waiting for a sequel for a long duration of time. However, it is here! The journey continues with our beloved EXO members and the three girls, but I'm not going to spoil it for you guys so that's all of the spoilers that you are getting 😎

The sequel is called 'The Light' and I hope that you guys enjoy it. I haven't updated anything in such a long time just because the exams that I have recently finished pretty much determine my future as to whether or not I will be able to study the course that I wish to and I was pretty preoccupied with trying to obtain the grades that I need. I hope that you all understand and if any of you are stressed or would like some tips or even anyone to talk to, I'm here for you ❤️🍪

I love you guys and thank you for hanging in there! Peace ✌️🍪

Total word count of book = 45590

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