Chapter 23

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"Alright, now hurry the fuck up!" Mingyu hisses, ushering the girls out of the glass cube. They bow their heads silently in appreciation and the four of them scuttle off through the door. The other 'experiments' are dosing, most of them scrawny and badly malnourished, way more so than the girls (who are skinny, but not anywhere close to as skinny as the others). They sprint through the hallway, eyes large in alarm as the lens scan over each centimetre of the space. They continue running and stop outside of a room where there is zombie-like groaning. Sunli looks up at Mingyu who nods, and thrusts his hand forward. White ribbon dances from his outstretched hand and pulls back a little before surging forward into the keypad next to the heavy metal door. The white ribbon explodes and the clicks unlock, the keypad glowing white due to the heat. Mingyu yanks open the door with a hard pull and the girls trail inside. It is dark but they can see frequent flashes of blue.

"What is this place?" Yoonsun asks, twiddling with a silver ring on her right hand nervously. All of a sudden, the lights are switched on with a heavy clang, and brightness floods their vision. Four guards stand roughly thirty feet away from them, one of them with a taser, another with a baton, one with an odd sceptre and one with a gun. Each weapon is drawn and held in plain sight, a menacing warning for what could happen. Mingyu holds his hands up in surrender and the girls do the same, bowing their heads in defeat. Mingyu suddenly flips his right hand so that it lies palm up and before the men holding the gun and taser can react, ribbons of white light dance across the room and almost seems to entrance the men. They look with utter confusion and petrifaction, and the groaning of the others has quietened down as they watch the scene play out. The white strands encase the men as they huddle closer together, then they are completely engulfed as the strings widen, capturing the men in a ball. The bright orb suddenly collapses in on itself silently before it dissipates, leaving behind nothing but burn marks on the floor. The men no longer exist and are gone without a single trace of their existence to be seen. Jingsu feels a sob rise up her throat as she grabs the arm of Yoonsun. Everybody's eyes are wide and the girls take a step away from Mingyu. He appears to be unfazed, face looking nonchalant as if it was a mere bug that he had squashed beneath the sole of his boot.
"You-you murderer! You-you just killed those people! We could have reasoned or-" Yoonsun's plea is cut short by none other than Mingyu himself.
"That is enough." He says, bring down his hand. "If I hadn't have killed them first, who knows what would have happened. I do regret killing them, but I do not regret protecting you three. That is why I feel no remorse. Now enough said, let's help these guys." Mingyu speaks, voice slightly wavering and the girls look at each other as the tall man drops into a squat, holding his face in his hands. He feels nothing but guilt for taking those peoples' lives.

"Jongdae!" Yoonsun shouts, sprinting as fast as she can to him, eyes tearing up.
"Don't touch me!" He shouts, making the other jump.
"What why?" She asks, breath caught in her throat.
"You need to turn the power off at the mains. If you touch any one of us, you will be electrocuted, understand?" Jongdae speaks, eyes wide and face serious. Yoonsun nods, and runs in the direction of the mains. She calls Mingyu over and he severs the wires with one of the ribbons that snake their way out of his palm. In an instant, the room is enveloped in darkness again. Yoonsun slowly removes the copper wire that had been inserted into Jongdae's wrists, apologising profusely as he grits his teeth and hisses in pain. Once the wire has been taken out, he relaxes and she can almost feel the exhaustion coming from him. They hug and tears stream down her face, unable to keep her sobs contained. He pulls back and grasps her cheeks gently, brown eyes gazing into ones that swim with salt water. His eyes too begin to burn with unshed tears, and his face slowly closes in, both of their eyes fluttering closed. Their lips meet in a sweet kiss, fuelled by passion, hope and worry. It is brief, but powered by emotion and the two break down in each other's arms. The moment is shattered however, when Mingyu taps on Jongdae's shoulder, a signal that it is time to move again. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, a figure hits into Jingsu and the two are sent flying across the floor. A groan of pain can be heard as both figures stand up, searching their bodies for injuries.
"Holy shit that fucking hurt." A low voice grunts to himself and with that Jingsu sprints over and hugs him.
"Jongin! Where did you come from?" She asks. The rest see a flash of worry in the young man's eyes as his head shoots up.
"Oh shit. They-they're after me-us! They-I was running and then I tried-I was looking for a place to hide. So-so then I teleported here and we-we need to go! Like now." Jongin's breathing is ragged, chest heaving with panic. His eyes widen as he sees the small group just stand there. "Now!" He shouts, surprising them. All of the people previously held captive have escaped thanks to the effort of Mingyu and the girls, however this only creates more problems. Due to the rush of people, the hall is backed up by a hoard of guards trying to fight against the imprisoned mob. Jongin tells everyone to link hands and they teleport through a hallway and into another large but empty room with many cells. Jongin collapses to his knees as his hands shake, his lungs heave and his pupils dilate. Mingyu picks up the younger and throws him (somewhat gently) over his shoulder as the group begins to run, however a shout stops them.
"Guys! Up here!" A battered Minseok looks down from his cell on the second floor, a hopeful smile on his face as his hands grip the bars. Mingyu places Jongin down carefully onto the floor so that the other can rest against the wall for the time being. The others trail up to the cell, but then realise that they can't open it.
"Fuck!" Mingyu cusses, slamming his fist against the wall. Why is everything against them? Why can't they just go home?

Hi guys! I hope that you are enjoying this book but I am sad to tell you that it is beginning to come to a close. I'm glad that I added a little bit of Yoonsun and Jongdae's cute moment, I hope that it added a little fluffy element to this otherwise kinda angsty book. (Is it angsty? I dunno lol) Anyways, I hope that you are all doing well and that you are taking care of yourselves. I love you all and I hope that you have had a wonderful weekend ❤️🍪

Date: Sunday 23rd of September 2018

Word Count: 1247

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