Chapter 21

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The group continues walking and by this point they are past the point of hungry- they are starving. They feel as if they have no energy, every step they take is a struggle and soon enough somebody might just fall. They need to find food. They all place their cups in front of Junmyeon whose eyes are glazed over with hunger. He focuses his shaking hand and slowly water begins to pour in a stream from his palm into each cup. When he fills the third cup, he feels a little light headed, his breath becoming heavier. Just before he topples to the side, Baekhyun pulls him back up.
"Woah, woah, woah. Easy there. We can all share, it's fine." Baekhyun gives him a small smile and the older silently thanks him with his tired eyes. They sit in a circle beneath a structure if sticks and leaves as they wait for yet another shower to pass.
After sitting for a few hours beneath the shelter, all of them begin their trails again. Jiseok almost screams when they find a road, sighs of relief and smiles coming onto their faces. That is before Sungjil suddenly turns around, a gun in hand. Jiseok pulls out a pistol from his backpack and also turns it at the group. They watch in amusement as they see everybody's pupils dilate, Sunli and Jingsu with tears in their eyes. Yoonsun squeezes Jongdae's hand and he pulls her closer to him.
"Now, we will give the instructions. I'm glad that you are all too weak to defend yourselves, half of you would probably collapse within the next hour or so. But that's alright, we are the saviours. We are here to save you, or well, more like save ourselves." After a few more minutes of pointless talking, two trucks pull up and people wearing black cloaks and black masks come into view, each with metal clinging onto their belts, guns raised.
"If there is anybody stupid enough to put up a fight, you will be shot. Understood?" Jiseok asks, voice dropping an octave as he smirks. Sunli begins to sob quietly, Minseok quickly pulling her against his chest. He keeps his eyes forward as the group are given instructions.

As per Sungjil's orders, they were to line up in accordance to height as the two lines of soldiers from the Black Hearts stood on either side of the line, cuffing each of their prisoners' hands together before grabbing each of them and dragging them onto the trucks. The group is split into two, and are placed into either truck at random. Then, the door is slammed shut, locked and then they are left in darkness along with the soldiers as Jiseok and Sungjil drive each of the trucks. The entire two hour drive is silent as each person is submerged in their thoughts, too scared of the consequences if they speak.

Finally, they drive through large metal gates where six people with gloved hands clutching weapons check Sungjil and Jiseok's IDs and allow them through, already being aware of what the delivery is. Baekhyun is dragged out of the second truck first, barely having the energy to stand. The rest of the group are pulled into the building along with Baekhyun and are lead into different conference rooms. His vision is fuzzy but he jolts when there is a sharp prick in his neck. He thrashes weakly, the other men easily being able to hold him still as the vial empties into his bloodstream. After roughly thirty seconds they let him go, the poor young man just about losing his consciousness entirely. The rest follow a similar pattern, after being knocked out, a gurney arrives and they are lead to separate labs for testing, apart from the women who are dumped in holding cells.

Sehun finally comes to and finds himself laying on a hard bed, his left hand cuffed to a small metal hoop that juts out slightly from the wall. He groans as he feels a thudding headache for in the back of his head and he feels the need to throw up. He crawls weakly to the toilet that has been supplied and empties his stomach, although all that leaves his mouth is saliva and water. He mumbles lowly to himself as he wipes his mouth on the back of his cerulean blue sleeve. After seeing the colour, he gasps as he looks up from where he sits on the floor. He crawls to the bars which engage him in his small cell and presses his face between the metal. A long row of other cells sits across the hall from his and he can see many other cells at either side of him. His eyes slowly trail upwards and he sees a steel staircase which leads to more cells with even more people in them. They are in slightly better shape than he is and when his eyes flit downwards towards the right side of his cell, he spots a fawn coloured tray of food with a glass of water. He rushes over to the tray and greedily gulps down the water before tearing at the bread with his hands. He shoves half of the roll into his mouth and takes another gulp of water, almost sighing at the feeling of his stomach being satisfied. It is then that he remembers his friends and his girlfriend. His eyes widen in panic as he rushes once again to the bars.
"Jongin! Minseok! Yixing!" He calls their names one by one, waiting a few seconds for a reply before trying somebody else. "Jingsu?!" Upon getting no response, he tilts his head down and brings his knees towards his chest. Tears pool in his eyes and a few salty drops slip over his waterline before trailing down his cheeks.

Minseok after eating his food begins to think of ways to escape, to save his friends. He cautiously brings his right hand up and concentrates, conjuring up all of the energy he has to freeze the bars and shatter them. He breathes out as he opens his eyes and thrusts his hand outward. No ice comes shooting out of his palm, however, he receives a shock that is of such high voltage through the metal chain that his body feels as if it has been cremated. His insides are on fire, his mouth like cotton as he tries to scream in pain. The only sound that comes out is a loud mumble- a muffled screech of agony. The shock only lasts for a few seconds, but the after effects cause him to lay down for hours, initially panting so hard that the cell is spinning. After that, he tries to move his right arm but finds pain shooting up his arm and into his spine, almost causing him to shriek. Never, will he try that again. They are going to have to find another way out. Salty tears of ache and heartbreak over the fact that they were betrayed roll in rivers down his face, his sore body becoming even more so due to the way that his body trembles and shakes.

Hi guys, did you expect that? Jiseok and Sungjil are little gits, I know. How will each of the boys cope with what may happen to them next? Also, how would you like me to set out the story? Do you like the formatting or do you want me to change it? Please give me some feedback lol. Anywho, I hope that you've all had a splendid day and I love you all loads. If you ever, ever, need to talk about anything, I'm right here. Also, I hope that this glitch goes away soon- it's a nightmare! Bye ❤️🍪

Date: Sunday 2nd September 2018

Word Count: 1303

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